Spine – 8 Tricks To Keep It Strong

It is essential to pay proper attention to your spine and to adopt healthy habits that will keep it strong and free of tension. Read on and remember!
Spine - 8 tricks to keep it strong

The spine is a very complex structure, responsible for supporting the body. It starts from the cranial box, crosses the neck and back and ends at the pelvis.

The main components of the spine are the vertebrae, spinal discs and spinal cord. All this acts as a communication system for the brain, through the nervous system.

For this reason, the movement of a vertebra or an injury, no matter how minor, creates obstacles for the signals transmitted to the brain. As a result, the patient will experience intense pain. In the worst cases, breathing and tactile sense will be affected.

Therefore, it is essential to pay proper attention to your spine and adopt healthy habits that will keep it strong and free of tension. In today’s article we want to present you 8 tricks that you can apply every day to avoid spinal injuries and diseases.

8 tricks to keep your spine healthy and strong

1. Exercise regularly

Regular movement helps the spine

Regular exercise routines are one of the best ways to strengthen your spine and take care of your health. Exercise helps you stabilize your weight and stretch your joints so as to prevent stiffness and tension.

To get the best possible results, combine cardiovascular training with strength exercises.

2. Improve your body posture

Adopting a proper body posture both when walking and when resting is a key factor in preventing spinal diseases and injuries.

Proper posture facilitates even weight distribution and keeps the vertebrae and discs in a beneficial position. The trauma, tension and pain that can affect this region are often the consequence of an incorrect posture.

3. Maintain a healthy weight

Weight affects the spine

Overweight and obesity endanger your muscles and joints. These problems involve an increased level of physical exertion, tension and pain. Accumulation of fat, especially around the waist, increases the risk of injuring your spine or experiencing stiffness in your back.

Overweight and obese people are very susceptible to herniated discs and premature wear of the cartilage that protects the skeletal system.

4. Follow a beneficial diet

Consumption of healthy foods plays a major role in the health of all body systems, including the spinal system.

Calcium and vitamin D are two important nutrients to maintain bone strength and density, which is why it is advisable to increase our intake of foods rich in them.

Of course, we must also consume healthy sources of protein, antioxidants and other essential nutrients that protect the well-being of bones and joints.

5. Don’t smoke

Smoking affects the spine

Cigarette toxins have been associated with the development of several types of diseases that destroy quality of life. These substances circulate in the blood and directly affect the health of cells and tissues. If it builds up excessively in your body, your spine will suffer.

6. Train your abdominal muscles

Strengthening the abdominal muscles and those in the lumbar region brings many benefits to the spine. Some people feel that there is no connection between the abdomen and the spine.

But the abdominal muscles provide support to the body and reduce the burden that the back has to bear.

Strong abdominal muscles act like a belt around the waist. This means that in addition to the fact that you will have a more attractive figure, your spine will receive more support.

7. Take a break and lie down

Stretches are beneficial for the spine

Those who need to work on the computer (or any other device) for several hours should set aside some time for stretching exercises . Even if you already have a proper body posture, maintaining the same posture constantly puts your spine under excessive tension.

Fortunately, stretching can help us relax our muscles and have stronger and more flexible vertebrae.

8. Keep stress at bay

Among the many negative effects of stress is the deterioration of spinal health. This is why people who frequently find themselves in stressful situations feel pain in their back, neck and shoulders.

In addition, the emotional state can affect the activity of the nervous system, causing other imbalances.

These habits that protect your spine can be easily included in your daily routine. But you need to be consistent so that you can prevent trauma and other similar problems.

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