Unpleasant Odors In The Kitchen – 10 Useful Tricks

To protect your kitchen from odors, keep this room tidy and try to prevent the accumulation of food that can rot.
Unpleasant odors in the kitchen - 10 useful tricks

Unpleasant odors in the kitchen can spread throughout the home. Whether they come from food, oven, pipes, refrigerator or other source, you definitely want to eliminate any unpleasant odors and have a clean kitchen that smells good. For this purpose, do not hesitate to try the following tricks.

1. Do not put food in the dishwasher

This is not just a simple trick. Following the advice below, you will prevent clogging of leaks and unpleasant odors in the kitchen.

  • After each meal, remove food scraps before placing the plates in the dishwasher.
  • As soon as you wash them, clean any remaining traces of residue and grease. Then pour three cups of hot water mixed with a tablespoon of baking soda to drain the pipe.
  • Repeat this process at least once a week.

2. Clean the refrigerator

Refrigerator responsible for unpleasant odors in the kitchen

If the source of unpleasant odors in the kitchen is the refrigerator, clean it with water and vinegar.

  • Make sure it does not contain food that has started to rot. After you have cleaned it, put a slice of lemon cut in four in the fridge.
  • Lemon will give this device a pleasant scent, absorbing unpleasant odors.

It is advisable to clean your refrigerator frequently to avoid the growth of fungi and bacteria.

3. Eliminates greasy odors

After cooking, it is natural for the smell of fat to spread throughout the house.

  • To remove it, pour two cups of white vinegar into a pot and put it on the stove as soon as you have finished cooking.
  • Vinegar will absorb food odors from the environment.

It is also important to wash pots and pans after using them, so as to prevent the smell of grease from spreading in the kitchen.

If the fat is difficult to remove, boil water with vinegar and orange peel in the pots.

4. Eliminates unpleasant odors on the hands

Unpleasant odors in the kitchen caused by garlic

Some foods, such as onions, garlic or fish, can soak our hands with annoying and persistent odors.

If you often face this problem, rub your hands with half a lemon. The fruit will immediately absorb the unpleasant odor that causes you problems. It’s an incredible trick!

5. Cleaning sponges, on the list of ways to remove unpleasant odors from the kitchen

Because they come in contact with most of the waste and grease on the plates, the sponges we use to clean cutlery and other culinary tools tend to be a source of unpleasant odors.

So try to wash them well after using them, so as to remove any traces of food residue. Then let the sponges sit in the sun. Ultraviolet rays fight bacteria that can live in these objects.

6. Clean your microwave

Housewife removing unpleasant odors from the kitchen
  • Put a lemon cut in half in a glass container with hot water.
  • Let the container sit in the microwave for five minutes. The steam will peel off the grease from the interior walls and the device door, absorbing unpleasant odors.
  • Then wipe the microwave with vinegar to clean it completely.

7. Avoid unpleasant odors from garbage

If the time has not yet come to take the garbage out, take precautions to make sure that unpleasant odors do not invade your kitchen.

  • Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the garbage bag and add a slice of lemon. This simple combination will reduce unwanted odors.

8. Cleaning the chopper, one of the best ways to prevent unpleasant odors in the kitchen

The shredder is one of the most popular kitchen utensils. We almost always use it when we cook, which is why we have to wash it well.

  • Combine a pinch of salt with lemon juice. Sprinkle the mixture on the chopper and rub it for a few seconds. This remedy will absorb all the odors accumulated on the shredder.

9. Fill the kitchen with pleasant scents

Unpleasant odors in the kitchen prevented by coffee beans

In addition to preventing unpleasant odors, it is important to induce a pleasant atmosphere in the kitchen.

  • Put a few coffee beans on a plate and place it on top of the refrigerator. Thus, their rich scent will fill the entire kitchen.
  • Another option is to soak a cotton swab in vanilla extract and place it in different corners of the kitchen.

10. Clean the kitchen frequently

To prevent the accumulation of unpleasant odors and grease on tiles, faience and other kitchen surfaces, clean them constantly while cooking.

Wash utensils after each use, then rub the walls and other surfaces with a cloth soaked in vinegar to remove grease and prevent stains.

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