What To Eat To Fight Heartburn

Various foods affect each of us differently. When it comes to controlling the symptoms of heartburn, the following ingredients are very useful to regulate the level of acidity in this region of the body.
What to eat to combat heartburn

You can fight heartburn if you include in your daily diet a number of natural foods that have beneficial effects on it.

Heartburn, which is the burning sensation that appears in the head of the chest, is one of the most common medical problems of the 21st century, but you can fight it. This pain is triggered after we eat, especially if we have served a hearty meal.

We can say that heartburn is a “modern disease.” Although this health problem has not arisen recently, more and more people are affected every day. In today’s article we present some foods that you should eat to combat heartburn.

What factors cause gastric hyperacidity?

Heartburn is accompanied by pain

Heartburn (heartburn) is a burning sensation or pain in the esophagus. It is mainly triggered in the lower regions close to the stomach. Heartburn is a consequence of gastric acid regurgitation.

The sensation arises in the chest and, in some cases, may radiate to the neck, jaw or tongue. The main causes of gastric hyperacidity are:

  • Stress, worries or a hectic lifestyle
  • Diets high in saturated fats
  • Excessive consumption of processed or refined carbohydrates
  • Eat fast without chewing food properly
  • Skipping meals (this habit alters the digestive rhythm)
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Smoking
  • Inactivity
  • Lack of sleep
  • Helicobacter pylori bacteria

As you can see, many factors that cause heartburn are related to our lifestyle. We can fight this health problem, so as to avoid more serious diseases such as ulcers and gastritis. All we have to do is change our daily habits.

Foods that relieve heartburn

Gastric hyperacidity is a very annoying problem that can prevent us from performing our daily tasks. We often do not have an appetite when we suffer from heartburn, but certain foods can relieve the symptoms experienced.


This cereal is generally eaten for breakfast. In addition to providing a feeling of satiety, oats can fight heartburn.

The good news is that you can eat it whenever you feel hungry. We advise you to combine oats with raisins. Do not worry that you will experience unwanted reactions, because oats will absorb the acid from the raisins.


Among other things, ginger helps you fight heartburn

Due to its strong taste, ginger should be consumed in moderation. That being said, ginger is one of the most useful foods to fight heartburn. This root has an anti-inflammatory effect on gastrointestinal tissues.

All you have to do is grate a small piece of ginger and make a tea. You can also include this ingredient in various dishes or smoothies. Ginger offers a citrus aroma.

Aloe vera

This plant is one of the best remedies for wounds. Heartburn damages the walls of the esophagus. Aloe vera can be very helpful in this situation.

Many people choose to consume the gel inside the aloe vera leaves. We can consume this gel either directly or in the form of juice. We also have the opportunity to consume commercial food prepared with aloe vera.

Vegetable salads

You can fight heartburn with various salads

Green leafy vegetables, such as lettuce and arugula, are very important. They have the ability to relieve the burning sensation and pain caused by hyperacidity.

We advise you not to include onions, tomatoes, cheese or dressing in your salads if you suffer from heartburn. To season the salads, add a pinch of salt and a little olive oil.

Garlic is one of the best ingredients we can include in salads. This food is rich in water and is an excellent source of fiber. In addition, garlic satisfies the appetite.


This fruit is ideal for mid-morning or afternoon. Bananas have a pH of 5.6 — that is, they can fight hyperacidity. But some people who suffer from heartburn experience intensified symptoms when eating bananas.

Try eating a banana to see if it relieves your symptoms or worsens them.


Like bananas, you can eat watermelon when you suffer from heartburn. Although this fruit is made up mostly of water, watermelon has the ability to regulate stomach acid levels. You can serve a slice of watermelon after breakfast or after dinner. As with bananas, see if it does you any good or harm.


Various foods help us fight heartburn

This plant is wonderful. In addition to being rich in nutrients, fennel is beneficial for digestion. With a pleasant taste and a crunchy texture, you can include it in salads, soups, vegetable pies or sauces. Cut the fennel into thin slices and combine with arugula and spinach. Then add olive oil and serve.

Chicken and turkey

White meat is a recommended option for those suffering from gastric hyperacidity. We can eat this food prepared either in the oven or on the grill. Never fry white meat and do not eat it without first removing its skin. Cooked in this way, it has a high fat content.

Fish and seafood

The recommendations on the consumption of white meat also apply to seafood. Do not eat this fried food. The best options are shrimp and salmon (preferably wild, not from farms).

Boiled vegetables

Numerous vegetables help you avoid heartburn

In addition to the fact that we can include them raw in salads, we can also eat boiled vegetables. The best options are cabbage, asparagus and broccoli. We advise you to eat roots such as carrots and beets (they must always be cooked).


Couscous, bulgur wheat or semolina can also be included in this category. In terms of rice, the most beneficial variety is Yamani brown rice. You can fight heartburn with these foods.

Do not hesitate to eat a cup of rice with boiled vegetables!

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