The Best Natural Face Masks

Exfoliation helps remove dead cells, makes the skin softer and brighter and supports the healing of marks and scars.
The best natural facial masks

Do you need some natural facial masks for skin care? If you want to be beautiful every day, the following treatments will help you counteract the effects of acne and blemishes, so that you have a glowing skin.

To keep your face hydrated, beautiful and fine, do not hesitate to try the recipes below!

Natural facial masks against impurities

Mask with yogurt, lemon and honey

Face treatment with honey, yogurt and turmeric

Yogurt has a moisturizing effect on the skin, and honey provides antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Lemon contains vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant.

  • Combine a tablespoon of honey with natural yogurt and 10-12 drops of lemon juice.
  • Stir until you get a paste, then apply it on your face and leave it to act for an hour.
  • Finally, remove the face mask with warm water.

Avocado mask

Avocado is a fruit very rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains oleic acid, which moisturizes the skin and makes it smoother. In addition, it is an ideal ingredient to combat dry skin.

  • You need half an avocado and a tablespoon of olive oil
  • Use the mentioned ingredients to prepare a paste, apply it on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then gently remove it with warm water.

Mask with milk and honey

Woman receiving a facial massage
Powdered milk provides extra hydration to facial masks.

Due to its properties, milk can moisturize the skin. At the same time, it stimulates the skin’s natural collagen production.

Milk is ideal for removing impurities from the face. It has a cleansing effect, can close pores and does not stimulate sebum production.

  • The ingredients needed for this mask are a tablespoon of powdered milk, a tablespoon of honey and an egg white.
  • Mix the ingredients well and apply the resulting mask on the face.
  • After 15 minutes, remove with warm water.

Mask with carrots and yogurt

Applying carrots to the skin is a useful remedy to treat problems such as acne. This ingredient contains vitamin A, which is beneficial against dermatitis.

Vitamin C can help you look healthy, and the antioxidants in carrots help prevent premature aging.

The following facial mask recipe is recommended for people with oily skin.

  • Mix the juice of a lemon with the juice of an orange.
  • In a blender, process a carrot and half a cup of yogurt.
  • Apply the mask, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then remove it with warm water.

Almond mask

Almonds have a high content of fatty acids and antioxidants, such as vitamin E. For this reason, they can nourish and moisturize the skin.

  • You need some raw almonds (without salt).
  • Crush the almonds in a pestle mortar.
  • Mix them with a tablespoon of yogurt and massage your face with the resulting mask.
  • Wash with warm water, then apply a regular moisturizer.

Natural moisturizing facial masks

Specialist applying natural facial masks for a patient
Certain natural ingredients offer benefits if included in facial masks.

The following facial masks contain 100% natural ingredients and are just as effective as products in beauty salons and store shelves. Most likely you already have these ingredients at home.

Banana mask

Bananas sliced ​​with natural honey
Bananas and honey can be used to prepare very nourishing facial masks.

Potassium in bananas nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

  • Grind a peeled banana and add a tablespoon of honey and five i of oats.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous paste, apply it on the face (less around the eyes) and leave it on for 15 minutes before removing it with cold water.

Apple mask

As mentioned earlier, vitamins A and C offer incredible benefits to the skin, and apples contain both. In addition, the nutrients in this fruit increase the level of collagen in the skin naturally.

  • Slice the apples and boil them in half a liter of water.
  • Then let the apple slices cool in the fridge for half an hour.
  • In a bowl, mix a tablespoon of yogurt with a tablespoon of honey and another tablespoon of wheat germ. Add the apple slices, grind and mix until you get a paste.
  • Apply the paste on the face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Finally, remove it with warm water and neutral soap.

Exfoliating natural facial masks

Woman applying natural facial masks during the bath

If blackheads, acne and pimples cause you problems, you can try the following recipes and tips. Exfoliation is very important because it removes dead cells and helps the skin to be smoother and radiant.

Exfoliating treatment with sugar

One of the cheapest exfoliating products is sugar. In addition, it is not at all difficult to use it for this purpose. Here’s what you need to do:

  • After washing your face thoroughly with neutral soap, exfoliate the skin with water and a little sugar.
  • Then rub lightly in a circular motion.
  • Remove the sugar with cold water and apply a moisturizer.

Honey exfoliating mask

And honey has excellent exfoliating properties. It has no aggressive effect on the skin and helps to remove dead cells and moisturize.

  • You need a teaspoon of organic honey, a tablespoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of crushed almonds.
  • Mix the ingredients and apply the paste obtained on the face. Let it work for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse with water.

In the end, you will notice that your skin is smoother, hydrated and rejuvenated.

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