How To Make Yogurt And Blueberry Cake

Besides the fact that it is very easy to prepare, the next cake with yogurt and blueberries is a healthy and low-calorie dessert that satisfies your craving for sweets.
How to prepare the cake with yogurt and blueberries

Are you waiting for guests for dinner and you want to surprise them with a healthy dessert? The following recipe is simple and ideal for those people who love sweets, but do not want to make excess sugar or processed ingredients. Follow carefully the recipe presented in this article to prepare the cake with yogurt and blueberries.

This dish is a tasty and healthy alternative to commercial desserts. We are sure you will enjoy it!

The benefits of blueberries

The hidden benefits of yogurt and blueberry cake

Why is it good to eat sweets made with blueberries? This fruit is low in sugar and is an ideal option for people who want to combat water retention.

By opting for a dessert prepared with blueberries, you will avoid eating processed sweets and, at the same time, you will consume a real “superfood”. 100 g of blueberry jam contains only 195 calories.

Below we show you how to make a very delicious yogurt and blueberry cake. All your guests will love it! The specified quantities of ingredients are sufficient for eight servings of cake. If you have fewer guests, you can reduce these amounts.

The yogurt and blueberry cake is delicious and healthy


To prepare graham cracker crust:

  • 200 g of graham crackers
  • 80 g butter

For the yogurt filling:

  • 4 jars (500 g) of plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup (200 g) sugar
  • 1 cup (200 ml) cream
  • 3 sachets of gelatin

For the blueberry jam topping:

  • 1 cup and ½ (350 g) cranberry jam
  • 1 cup and ½ sachets of gelatin

Crust preparation

Preparation for yogurt and blueberry cake
  • Grease the pan with butter or place baking paper in it.
  • To prepare the crust of graham crackers, melt the butter and grind the graham crackers well.
  • Mix all the ingredients together.
  • Pour the mixture into the pan and press it until it covers the bottom.
  • Put it in the fridge until it hardens.

Preparation of the filling

  • To prepare the yogurt filling, start by emptying the gelatin sachets into a bowl filled with cold water.
  • In another bowl, add the yogurt, cream and sugar. Mix well and heat gently to the eye of the stove.
  • Add the gelatin and mix for about 10 minutes so that you get a homogeneous filling.
  • Pour the filling over the graham cracker crust and let it cool.

Preparation of the topping

  • To prepare this topping, all you have to do is pour the blueberry jam into a saucepan.
  • Heat over low heat, then add the gelatin and remove from the heat.
  • The next step involves pouring the prepared topping over the yogurt filling. Put the cake in the fridge and wait two hours.

Now you’re ready! You just made a delicious yogurt and blueberry cake. This wonderful dessert will not take you long.

Why is it advisable to opt for yogurt and blueberry cake?

Indications for yogurt and blueberry cake

This yogurt and blueberry cake does not contain much sugar, and most of the necessary ingredients are almost completely devoid of this ingredient. In addition, you do not need processed ingredients to prepare this dessert.

If you are trying to maintain your figure, but do not want to give up tasty and sweet desserts, this yogurt and blueberry cake is exactly what you are looking for. Blueberries are a very nutritious food, which gives a feeling of satiety no matter how they are served.

In addition to all the above indications, opt for cholesterol-free ingredients rich in fiber and vitamins C and K. Thus, you will get an invigorating and diuretic dessert.

Blueberries also contain flavonoids, which improve memory, learning ability and cognitive function. This fruit reduces the risk of developing diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

It is advisable to consume a cup of blueberries every day. If you do not like to eat raw fruit, you can opt for blueberry jam, the main ingredient of the dessert presented in this article.

Thanks to all the benefits mentioned above, the yogurt and blueberry cake is without a doubt a healthy option. This recipe includes calcium-rich dairy products, which are beneficial for bones. Follow the steps described above and you will prepare this complete and delicious dessert right at home.

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