Pumpkin Seeds – 8 Reasons To Eat Them

Pumpkin seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which, in addition to fighting arthritis and inflammation, strengthen the immune system. Never throw these healthy pumpkin components in the trash again!
Pumpkin seeds - 8 reasons to eat them

Do you usually throw pumpkin seeds in the trash when you cook a dish with this food? Next time, think twice. These seeds with special aroma are rich in nutrients beneficial to the body.

In today’s article we want to present you 8 reasons why you should eat pumpkin seeds regularly. Read on and remember!

8 reasons not to throw pumpkin seeds in the trash

1. Fight arthritis

Pumpkin seeds reduce inflammation caused by arthritis and protect bones. Moreover, unlike drugs, they do not cause unwanted side effects. The older the pumpkin seeds, the greater the benefits they offer.

2. Protects the prostate

Pumpkin seeds protect your health

Among other things, pumpkin seeds protect the health of this vital organ. Due to the oils in their composition, they can control inflammation of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia). Pumpkin seed oil can work wonders for this purpose, largely due to its high zinc content.

3. It helps you sleep better

Pumpkin seeds are an incredible source of tryptophan. Eventually, this amino acid is converted to serotonin, the famous sleep hormone. If you serve a few pumpkin seeds before bed (along with a light source of carbohydrates, such as a small piece of fruit), you will sleep better.

4. They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids

Pumpkin seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids

These seeds are one of the best vegetable sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, essential substances for health. If you want to increase your intake of Omega-3, be careful not to eat excess pumpkin seeds. The recommended amount is 20 g per day.

5. Improve the immune system

Due to their zinc content, pumpkin seeds are among the most beneficial seeds for the body. A large part of the world’s population suffers from zinc deficiencies, this mineral being absent in plants from intensively cultivated fields.

Zinc deficiencies are harmful to the immune system, slowing growth and causing hair loss. It is a good idea to eat pumpkin seeds from time to time.

6. They are perfect for women who have gone through menopause

Oil obtained from pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seed oil is a natural phytoestrogen that can control postmenopausal symptoms, including:

  • Hypotension
  • Hot flashes
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain

For this reason, older women should consume this food.

7. I control diabetes

As with nuts and other dried fruits and seeds, the carbohydrates in pumpkin seeds are complex. This means that they have the ability to regulate blood sugar, giving a feeling of satiety.

Pumpkin seeds fight stress, which is both harmful and common nowadays. Before going to bed, we advise you to relax and serve a portion of pumpkin seeds and a few almonds.

8. Stimulates blood circulation

Pumpkin seeds are good for the heart

One of the unique organic compounds in pumpkin seeds are phytosterols. They prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

In addition, the high copper content of these seeds increases the level of erythrocytes in the body and improves the ability of blood vessels to carry blood.

How to eat pumpkin seeds

It is best to eat raw pumpkin seeds. If you cook them, they will lose some of their nutrient content. Some like to serve crispy pumpkin seeds, just taken out of the oven, while others prefer to combine them with different sauces.

If you need a unique and delicious recipe, follow the steps below:

  • Take a large amount of pumpkin seeds, preferably white and without traces. Completely remove the peel from them.
  • Boil the seeds for 2 minutes on high heat.
  • Then bake them in the oven with a lot of sweet and sour Teriyaki sauce.

Pumpkin seeds will absorb the sauce and have an incredible taste. In the end, they will be red or black and you will be able to serve them at parties with, for example, a little ham, melon and olives. The obtained snack will have a beneficial effect on the stomach, facilitating digestion. In addition, it is very easy to prepare.

When it comes to eating pumpkin seeds, there are not many contraindications. Their main disadvantage is the significant fat content. If you do not eat the right portions, pumpkin seeds could unbalance your diet.

Be very careful! Pumpkin seeds are so delicious that you could become addicted to them.

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