Yoga For Couples Strengthens Your Relationship

Invite your partner to do yoga as a couple, because it is a wonderful experience that can strengthen your relationship.
Yoga for couples strengthens your relationship

Doing yoga for couples is a different and fun way to enjoy all the benefits of this activity for body and mind, while helping to strengthen and improve the relationship and sharing with the partner an extraordinary experience. Yoga positions for couples require teamwork and mutual trust. The results depend on the support you receive from your partner and vice versa.

Yoga for couples

1. Centering and grounding from the seat

Yoga for couples is challenging
Breathing synchronization allows you a deeper connection.

Many yoga sessions start with this position, which you can do with your partner. Sit back to back with your legs crossed (Sukhasana) or with your feet on your thighs in the lotus position. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

You can try to synchronize your inhalations and exhalations to start positions with a better connection.

2. Overturned chair (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

Yoga for couples
In the Parivritta Sukhasana position, the torso is turned to one side.

Yoga positions
One partner’s torso lies on the other’s back.

The child's position in the pair
This position allows you both to stretch your back.

Yoga for couples strengthens the relationship
It is similar to the child’s position, but with outstretched legs.


The position of the boat or Navasana
You can position the boat with your feet outside or inside your arms.

Yoga position for couples
Urdhva Uttanasana helps you stretch your back.

Utkatasana position
You can extend your sitting position at Utkatasana.

Uttanasana position
The Uttanasana position helps you stretch and open your shoulders.

Stand face to face with your arms outstretched, holding each other’s shoulders. Take small steps back, keeping your legs and back straight so that your waist is tilted until your back is aligned with the floor. The arms should put pressure on the partner’s shoulders to stretch them.

With these simple yoga positions for couples, you can start training together. We are sure that you will notice that these exercises give your relationship a new dimension!

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