How To Treat An Infected Wound

Don’t know what to do with infected wounds? Today you will discover the steps you should always follow to treat an infected wound and the best way to do so.
How to treat an infected wound

At some point in life, we all face an infected wound. If we do not pay proper attention to it and do not clean it properly, bacteria can prevent the wound from healing. At the same time, it increases the risk of unsightly scarring and other complications. How is an infected wound treated?

Even if an infected wound is common, we must still be very careful. The end result depends on the bacteria infecting the wound, which could endanger the patient’s life. For example, bacteria that cause tetanus can cause serious medical complications.

Today we will learn how to treat an infected wound by following a few simple but essential steps. This will allow the wound to heal and prevent it from getting worse.

How to treat an infected wound: necessary steps

Treating an infected wound is easy. All you have to do is follow a few simple steps that will prevent bacteria from growing. People with a weak immune system should take extra precautions (specifically, patients with immunosuppressive, infectious or diabetic diseases). They are more susceptible to superinfection of wounds. Therefore, you need to follow the steps below as soon as possible.

Wound cleaning

Person who washes his hands
Cleaning the wound removes traces of dirt that could be the cause of possible infections.

To treat the infected wound, you must first clean it. The best way to do this is with water and liquid soap. Depending on the type of wound, be careful not to cause more damage.

If the wound is not severe, you can use a clean cotton pad to clean it, as it will not leave fibers in the wound. Otherwise, it is better to use gauze.

Try not to scratch the wound with gauze or cotton wool. The best way to use these materials is to gently dab them over the wound.

Application of treatment

How to treat a wound infected with antiseptics
Applying antiseptics can prevent the spread of infections.

Administration of antibiotics

If the infection is severe, you should consult a doctor. You will notice this if there is a yellow discharge, if the wound has changed color, if there is swelling or pain increases and if there is a fever. Your doctor will prescribe oral antibiotics to help fight bacteria more effectively. Despite this, continue to follow the steps above.

Prevention of infections

The best way to avoid infections is to take proper care of your wounds. To do this, you need to clean them as soon as possible to get rid of dust, dirt or anything else that could infect the lesion.

After that, let the wound breathe for about 24 hours and cover it with gauze to protect it. Treating it with hydrogen peroxide and Betadine® is a very effective way to speed up the healing process. If you follow these recommendations, you will prevent infection from any wound.

Do you have a wound that looks infected? If so, we recommend that you follow the tips mentioned above, as well as have blood tests to check the condition of your immune system.

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