7 Causes For Bloating

In order to avoid bloating and eliminate excess accumulated gases, it doesn’t hurt to drink a tea that helps digestion after a meal or to add some spices to our food.
7 causes for bloating of the abdomen

Abdominal bloating is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health one.  We must not ignore it, otherwise we risk facing a chronic condition in the future.

In this article we will present some possible causes of bloating. You will also find some natural remedies that can help you get rid of this annoying problem.

You don’t chew your food well enough

This problem is very common nowadays, largely because many of us are in a hurry. We are often forced to eat in a hurry at work, standing and talking to someone at the same time. This is one of the reasons why we fail to chew food properly.

If you do not chew your food properly, the digestive function of your body will be slowed down, your stomach will bloat, and you will feel discomfort. In addition, if we chew food properly, we will feel fuller and will not overeat.

Remember that the digestive process begins in the mouth, due to the saliva that contains some very important digestive enzymes. The better we chew the food, the easier it will be processed by the body.

You have intestinal parasites that can cause bloating in the abdomen

Intestinal parasites are a very serious health problem and, unfortunately, they are also very difficult to detect. Not that they do not cause symptoms, but these symptoms could be caused by many other conditions.

For example, parasites can cause nervousness, irritability, eating disorders, itching in the nose or rectum and bloating of the abdomen.

Symptoms caused by these parasites include bloating of the abdomen. This can also be the result of something we ate and didn’t like. However, in the case of intestinal parasites, your abdomen will bloat no matter what you eat.

It is not easy to get rid of intestinal parasites naturally. You will need to reduce the amount of sugar and wheat products you eat, because these are the foods that parasites feed on. In addition, you will need to enrich your daily diet with garlic, pumpkin seeds, coriander, hot spices, etc.

You can also try probiotics to protect the beneficial bacteria that make up the intestinal flora. Try to avoid constipation, which can contribute to parasite infections.

Ballooning: garlic

You eat too much

Even if you only eat healthy foods, if you eat more than your body needs, bloating can affect you. As soon as you feel full, even if you haven’t even served the dessert you’ve been looking forward to yet, we advise you to stop eating.

If you want to avoid this problem, instead of dessert you can try to drink a tea that facilitates digestion. These teas will improve or prevent bloating.

The bloating can be caused by intestinal gas

Certain foods can stimulate the body’s gas production, and some people are more susceptible to these problems than others. If this is the case for you, we recommend anise, mint and lemon balm teas or soups seasoned with cumin and fennel — especially soups made with beans or vegetables that cause bloating.

Inflation: mint tea

Food intolerances and bloating

Sometimes bloating can be caused by a food intolerance that we have not yet detected. The common culprits are gluten and lactose.  If you suspect that you have an intolerance to these components, we advise you to go to the doctor to receive a correct diagnosis.

You can try to eliminate from your diet those foods that you suspect are bloating for a month and see if bloating improves or not.

Emotional problems can cause bloating

In addition to all the possible causes we have presented above, bloating can also be the result of emotional problems. This is due to the fact that digestive function is closely related to our mental state. In such cases, you will notice a correlation between bloating and negative emotions or stress.

If this is your case, we advise you to try the many options offered by homeopathy. You can try other relaxing therapies, such as massage, reflexology, yoga, tai chi, etc.

Ballooning: yoga

Unhealthy dinners can be responsible for bloating the abdomen

Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day, because the body no longer has the energy to digest a lot of food. If you happen to wake up in the morning with a bloated abdomen, we advise you to change your dinner menu.

Salads, for example, are very healthy, but it is better to eat them at lunch, while boiled vegetables and sauces are much more suitable for a healthy dinner.

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