When Should I End A Friendship?

It is never easy to end a friendship. But if a friend reduces your confidence and fills you with doubts, it’s time to make a change. Read on to discover 7 signs that you should end a friendship, to make a change for the better in your life.
When should I end a friendship?

If a friendship is unbalanced and you feel that you are giving more than you receive, maybe it’s time to reanalyze the situation. Ending a friendship is a real emotional roller coaster. But when you think logically, you realize that a breakup is the best solution.

As time goes on, it is natural to meet new people and make connections with certain special people. But sometimes it is advisable not to let anyone even enter your circle of friends.

Remember, it is never easy to end a friendship. This is true even when the relationship does not help you move forward and spoils your mood.

You should not be ashamed to distance yourself from those who hurt you. After all, people are changeable. You may choose to follow a different path than your friends.

Breaking up can be very painful. However, if a friendship has the following 9 traits, end it as soon as possible.

7 reasons to end a friendship

1. The relationship is one-sided

If a friendship is unbalanced and you fail to remedy the situation, your friend may not appreciate you the way you do. Nothing is more tiring than constantly trying to please a friend. In fact, this behavior can affect your self-esteem.

Did you make contact with a friend, and he did nothing to remedy the situation? Maybe it would be better not to waste your energy and time on a person who no longer cares about you.

2. That friend is manipulating you

You end a friendship when you're manipulated

You need to end a friendship when you feel that you have forgotten who you really are and that you cannot be genuine with that friend.

A healthy friendship means that both people can share their inner selves without taking advantage of each other. If this is not the case, re-evaluate the relationship and think carefully about whether it is really worth maintaining.

3. That friend pulls you down

When you start to feel responsible for your friend’s behavior because he is behaving in a questionable way, he may pull you down. Remember, the phrase “whoever resembles gathers” is considered to be a golden rule by many of us.

This means that if your friend is viewed negatively by others, they may see you the same way. Moreover, it is not excluded to start imitating the negative behavior of your friend.

Keep in mind that human nature involves the instinctive imitation of the people around us. The purpose of this behavior is to adapt and survive within the group. For this reason, if a friendship relationship affects your behavior negatively, it is best to end it.

4. That friend is jealous, envious or there is a competition between you

You end a friendship when jealousy strikes

The constant need to prove that you are better than a certain friend can be very exhausting. A friendship that is not based on mutual support is a negative relationship. For example, is your friend happy when you manage to develop personally?

Friendship means that you and that person can find a way to grow and improve your lives together. Neither of you should be a “star,” and the other should be a mere “aide.”

5. The most beautiful moments in the relationship are from the past

Consider ending a friendship if the only reason you keep it is that you associate it with various beautiful moments from the past.

He lives in the present. Your current life may be very different, for example, from your childhood. You don’t have to maintain a relationship just because it brought you joy in the past, although now only memories make you smile.

6. That friend does not make a positive contribution in your life

It is essential to improve your mood when you are sad. To this end, if a friendship only brings you suffering, you must end it. This is a situation where you need to pursue your interests. Give up those people who hurt you.

Friends should be a natural extension of your own life and vice versa. In other words, you need to encourage and inspire each other so that you are happy and healthy. You and your friend need to make a positive contribution to each other’s lives.

7. That friend affects your self-esteem

True friends form an essential support network, especially when it comes to dealing with the stress of modern life. Every time you have a problem, difficulty or question, your friends should be willing to give you moral support and help you improve your self-esteem.

As already mentioned, it is not easy to end a friendship. But if this only shakes your confidence and fills you with doubts, it’s time to take action.

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