Back Pain Treated With 4 Yoga Positions

As the following yoga positions stretch your back and reduce compression, performing them will relax the entire region, relieving the pain experienced and preventing injuries.
Back pain treated with 4 yoga positions

Although it may surprise you, there are certain yoga positions that can help you relieve back pain and reduce its frequency.

Back pain is one of the most common health problems in  contemporary society. The cause of this phenomenon is the excessive use of electronic devices and back strain often associated with this practice.

Back pain can often be relieved with painkillers and some rest. But sometimes the pain experienced persists for a long time and you need to look for alternative methods to feel good again.

Although it may surprise you, there are certain yoga positions that can help you treat back pain and reduce its frequency. By stimulating blood circulation and relieving muscle tension, these positions can immediately soothe the pain-affected region.

In today’s article we invite you to discover the best four yoga positions to combat back pain. Read on and don’t hesitate to try them at home or at the office.

4 yoga positions to combat back pain

1. Forward flexion

Certain yoga positions help relieve back pain

This yoga position stretches the tense muscles of the spine and stimulates the central nervous system.

What should you do?

  • Sit on a yoga mat with your legs hip-width apart.
  • Bend your knees so that your torso is bent over your legs and continue to bend until your thighs touch your abdomen.
  • He clenched his fists. Place each fist separately in the curvature of the opposite elbow.
  • Relax your back, neck and head and clench your fists.
  • To relieve back pain, perform this movement 10-20 times, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

2. The board leaning against the wall

The board leaning against the wall helps relieve back pain

This yoga position is a little more complicated and requires training in order to perform it correctly. It is very useful to relieve low back pain and can reduce tension in the upper body.

What should you do?

  • Stand with your face facing a wall and your arms outstretched. Lean forward so that your palms touch the wall.
  • Press the wall with your fingers and pull your abdomen, stretching your coccyx to the floor.
  • Remove the rib cage from the pelvis so that you bend your lumbar region and tense your abdomen.
  • Keeping your spine straight, take a few steps back, bending your waist until you form the letter “L”.
  • To relieve back pain, repeat this exercise inhaling and exhaling 10-20 times, then slowly return to the starting position.

3. The dog leaned forward

Treat back pain with the dog's position bent forward

The “dog leaning forward” position (also called Adho Mukha Svanasana) is ideal for stretching the whole body. This position calms the nerves of the spine and stimulates blood circulation. The “dog bent forward” position also strengthens the muscles and joints of the arms, legs, neck and back.

What should you do?

  • Sit on your knees with your arms outstretched and your legs apart at hip width.
  • Get up on your toes and adopt the “dog bent forward” position.
  • It is essential not to arch your back too much so as not to over-tension your muscles.
  • Raise your ribs to give firmness to your shoulders and spine.
  • Push your coccyx towards your heel and apply pressure from the middle of your feet to their outside.

4. The child’s position

Among other things, the child's position relieves back pain

The child’s position (Balasana) is a relaxing movement that stretches the spine. This position can be taken between exercises (to rest) or at the end of the routine. It is useful for relieving stress.

What should you do?

  • Kneel on the floor and press your knees to your chest to adopt the child’s position.
  • Try to adopt this position with your knees apart, but with your toes glued together. Then join your knees to better stretch your spine.
  • If you don’t touch the floor with your head, place a yoga brick under your forehead so you can relax completely.
  • The arms can be extended in front, but also along the body.
  • Take a deep breath and imagine that the tension you experience disappears.

As you can see, the yoga positions presented above can help you feel better. If you combine them with breathing or meditation exercises, you will rebalance your mind and body much easier and you will avoid back pain.

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