Nail Remedy With Garlic And Oil

In order to have strong and healthy nails, it is advisable to apply this remedy at night. Also, supplement it with a healthy diet to strengthen your nails from the inside out.
Nail remedy with garlic and oil

Nails are an important component when it comes to feminine beauty. In addition to complementing our image, they reflect serenity and good taste. We present you a nail remedy with garlic and oil. The properties of this treatment provide extra nutrients and make nails stronger.

In order to say that you have proper personal hygiene, it is important to protect your nails. They tend to develop imperfections very easily if we do not pay due attention to them.

We have many topical treatments that help us keep our nails beautiful. But continued exposure to toxins and chemicals can damage them, making them more fragile and prone to breakage.

Nail damage is not just an aesthetic problem. When nails are affected in this way, the risk of suffering from fungal infections increases.

The good news is that there are many natural treatments that, without emptying our wallet, strengthen and protect our nails, preventing uncomfortable consequences.

Nail remedy with garlic and oil that strengthens naturally

Nail remedy with garlic and oil

We do not lack the habits that we can adopt to have strong and healthy nails. But none of the moisturizing and topical treatments for external use can supply this part of the body with essential nutrients.

In the following we present a lotion prepared with almond oil, olive oil and garlic. As soon as it is absorbed, it strengthens and moisturizes fragile and broken nails.

This remedy is 100% natural. Being rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants and minerals, the lotion below keeps the nail structure strong and well protected. You can use it to prevent the effects of harmful components in the environment.

Due to the ingredients needed to prepare it, the lotion with garlic and oil offers various benefits:

  • Its regular application protects the cuticles. In addition, because it is an antibacterial and antifungal treatment, it prevents infections.
  • This lotion is ideal for women who fail to keep their nails long and beautiful. In addition to preventing them from breaking, it contributes to their healthy growth.
  • Both olive and almond oil have a high content of vitamin E. This nutrient stands out due to its ability to stimulate nail regeneration.
  • All the benefits already mentioned, along with the sulfur compounds of garlic strengthen the nails, without causing unwanted side effects.

How to prepare this nail remedy?

Nail remedy and how to prepare it

The recipe to prepare the next natural lotion is very simple. At the same time, the remedy obtained is much more cost-effective than commercial nail strengthening products.

The ingredients needed to prepare the lotion are 100% natural, do not cause side effects when applied and do not endanger your skin health. It is essential to buy only “extra virgin” or “pure” ingredients, as their refined versions do not contain the same nutrients.


  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • ½ cup of olive oil
  • ¼ cup of almond oil


  • A glass jar with a lid
  • A paintbrush

Method of preparation

  • Peel the garlic cloves, then grind them in a pestle mortar until you get a fine paste.
  • If you don’t have a pestle mortar, chop the garlic finely.
  • Put the crushed garlic cloves in a glass jar and pour the almond and olive oil over them.
  • Put the lid on and let the mixture soak in a dark place for 2-3 days.
  • After the indicated time has elapsed, the lotion will be concentrated. Strain it to remove the garlic residue.

Application method

  • Clean your nails and remove any traces of nail polish and chemicals. Soak a clean nail polish brush in lotion and apply it on the surface of nails and cuticles.
  • Allows the nails to absorb the lotion. Don’t rinse.
  • We advise you to apply this treatment before bed, so that you do not experience discomfort due to the smell of garlic.
  • Apply this remedy daily until your nails become stronger.

Some final tips about this nail remedy

Nail remedy and useful tips

Remember, in order to get the best possible results, you need to include the lotion presented in this article in your daily beauty routine. From the first application, your nails will be finer and hydrated. But be sure to apply the lotion regularly to take full advantage of its nutrients.

The compounds in the lotion work differently for each person. And the cause of nail weakening has an impact on the effectiveness of the treatment. In addition to applying the lotion, adopt a diet rich in protein, fatty acids, water and antioxidants.

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