Face Mask Ideas That Keep Your Skin Firm

Whether or not you have firm skin is something that depends on several factors, such as your habits, genetics or maintaining a proper diet.
Face mask ideas that keep your skin firm

Although it is true that we cannot go back in time to have firm skin again, there are certain types  of face mask that you can prepare at home  and that can help you reduce the effects of aging on your skin. Below we will present you three recipes for masks that help you keep your skin firm!

Why does our skin lose its firmness?

Face mask with benefits for skin firmness
  • The passage of time is certainly the main factor affecting firm skin. Inevitably, your skin will lose its firmness, tone and elasticity. But don’t forget that you can nourish your skin even in times of crisis. If you know what elements you need at any age, you can reduce the effects of aging on your body.
  • A lack of protein and nutrients due to an inadequate diet favors the appearance of flabby skin.
  • A deficiency of elastin and collagen, necessary components if you want to have firm skin.
  • A sedentary lifestyle that prevents access to oxygen and nutrients to your skin.
  • The sun can also be a great enemy of your skin. Exposure to it ages your skin, dehydrates it and makes it lose that precious collagen. So, be careful when exposing yourself to the sun.
  • Often, our emotional states can affect our skin health. Anxiety, irritability and stress can cause problems with the absorption of nutrients due to vasoconstriction and muscle tension.

Home-made masks that help keep your skin firm

1. Carrot and orange face mask

Make a carrot and orange face mask

This mask is very easy to prepare and is also very effective. Wondering why? Carrots and oranges can give you excellent results if you want to fight against fatty acids, thanks to the large amounts of antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamins and minerals they contain.

In addition, carrots and oranges can help you moisturize your skin. The mask prepared from these two main ingredients is very useful and you only need to apply it three times a week in the morning.

What ingredients do I need?

  • A carrot
  • Orange juice
  • A spoonful of honey


  • First and foremost, wash the carrot and cut it into pieces. Then put it in the mixer together with the orange juice. Mix them well and then add the honey.
  • The next step is to put the mixture in a cup and use a little cotton wool to apply the mask on your face, especially on those areas affected by flabby skin. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and then take it off with cold water.

2. Face mask made of tomatoes and lemon

Face mask made of tomatoes and lemon

We all know that the skin on the face is different from the skin in any other area of ​​the body. It is much more fragile, thinner and is usually directly exposed to the environment. In order to be able to protect her, all we need to do is have a proper lifestyle, diet and exercise.

But it doesn’t hurt to “feed” your face yourself, and this mask based on tomato and lemon juice contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins and will give your face freshness, youth and immense therapeutic benefits. Why don’t you try it too?

What ingredients do I need?

  • 2 tomatoes
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons sugar


  • Peel both tomatoes (they should be ripe) and put them in the blender along with the tablespoon of lemon juice. After you have mixed all these ingredients well, add the two tablespoons of sugar and you will get the desired paste.
  • Use a little cotton wool to apply the mask on your face. Let it work for 15 minutes. You will immediately feel how the ingredients work and give you a feeling of freshness.
  • However, be careful not to leave this mask on your face for more than 20 minutes, or you could get irritated by the lemon juice — don’t forget that! At the end, take off your mask with fresh water. We recommend that you do this treatment twice a week.

3. Apple and melon face mask

Apple face mask

Watermelon tones your skin and prevents it from becoming flabby. If you combine this wonderful fruit with some apples and a little oats, you will get an ideal cream that will moisturize your skin and make it much firmer. This remedy is a classic one, so you have nothing to lose if you try it.

What ingredients do I need?

  • Three slices of watermelon (any kind of watermelon you want)
  • Half an apple
  • Two tablespoons of oatmeal
  • A spoonful of honey


  • It’s not hard to make this mask. Get the three slices of watermelon (preferably thinner) and peel half an apple. Put these ingredients in the mixer and mix well.
  • Add oatmeal and you will get a thick and nourishing mixture. Before applying it, wash your face thoroughly. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then lower it with cold water.
  • You can try this treatment three times a week, especially in the morning, when it is especially effective. Thus, you will have firm and always protected skin!

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