What Is And What Are The Functions Of Amniotic Fluid?

Amniotic fluid is a fundamental substance for pregnancy to develop normally. It is very important to keep up with prenatal checkups to detect any abnormalities.
What is and what are the functions of amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid is the substance that surrounds the fetus in the amniotic sac. This is a bag in which the baby is formed and develops until the moment of birth. What are the functions of amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid plays a key role in development. Protects the baby’s body as well as the mother’s organs. It also helps maintain biological balance. Due to its important role, amniotic fluid can be used in medicine to obtain data on the health and development of the fetus. Among other things, this makes it possible to address some diseases early.

What is amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid is a clear, almost transparent fluid with a yellowish tinge. It is normal to have a few light spots of blood. It is usually odorless.

As the pregnancy progresses, it can fill with cells that peel off the baby’s skin. As the birth approaches, it acquires a milky tone (ie after 40 weeks). It consists of water, electrolytes, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, urea and fetal cells.

This substance begins to be produced at 12 days of gestation. Then the amount gradually increases until around week 34. Subsequently, it decreases slightly. When the membranes rupture and labor begins, fluid is removed.

What are the functions of amniotic fluid?

The main problems associated with amniotic fluid

This condition is also known as oligohydramnios and increases the risk of accidents due to the umbilical cord. Lack of fluid means that the fetus has less room to move freely.

If this situation persists, there may be a stop in lung development because the fetus inhales and expires this substance. Likewise, premature labor may occur.

The problem can be caused by dehydration of the mother, changes in the placenta and premature rupture of the membranes. When the case is severe, the doctor may decide to speed up the birth to avoid greater risks.

Also known as polyhydramnios. The biggest risk is premature birth, which requires careful medical monitoring. It is treated with medication or by removing the excess. If it occurs late in pregnancy, an intensive approach may not be needed.

Excess amniotic fluid is caused by gestational diabetes or fetal abnormalities. It has been established that this condition is more common in multiple pregnancies.

Represents the loss of amniotic fluid during pregnancy. They can be slow, in small amounts, or sudden and abundant. If they occur before week 37, there is a premature rupture of the membranes.

This problem can affect fetal development, infections or premature birth. In some cases, it requires hospitalization and drug treatment to accelerate the maturation of the fetal lung. The goal is to delay the birth as much as possible.

If bleeding occurs after 37 weeks, your doctor may recommend inducing labor.

Physician explaining the functions of amniotic fluid

When to go to the doctor?

Often, excess or lack of amniotic fluid does not cause any symptoms in the mother. If there is little fluid, you may feel that the fetus is moving less than it should.

If there is a lot of fluid, the mother will suffocate or have painful contractions before the expected date of birth. Fluid leakage, if detected, is a reason for immediate medical consultation.

Given the importance and functions of amniotic fluid for the normal development of the baby, the best thing to do is to follow medical appointments. It is essential to inform your doctor about any symptoms.

Mothers with diabetes or multiple pregnancies need to be even stricter in respecting visits. It is very important to maintain adequate hydration during pregnancy and to practice all the complementary methods that are prescribed.

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