Information About Depression – The Pain That Grinds Us

Although we imagine that people who suffer from depression lie in bed all day and cry for pity, they can live a seemingly normal life. But they fail to get pleasure from what they do and absolutely everything overwhelms them.
Information about depression - the pain that grinds us

Depression is that dark pain that devours its victims. Like a huge, suffocating scarf, this disease can isolate a person from his or her ordinary life. It acts as a blanket of darkness that suffocates the patient and the people around him. Today we bring you some information about depression and its symptoms.

Symptoms of depression include sadness, irritability, apathy, inability to feel pleasure, decreased appetite, feelings of guilt, and difficulty concentrating. Recurrent thoughts about death and suicide can also be symptoms of this disease.

These sensations can last a long time, and those who suffer from depression can experience them daily. Depression is an intense pain that extinguishes all light sources in the patient’s life.

Information about depression and sadness

Depression does not mean lying in bed all the time

We all tend to imagine that those who suffer from depression lie in bed all day and cry for pity. But intense and frequent sadness is just one of the ways in which depression manifests itself.

In fact, many people who suffer from this disease are not sad. In their case, depression manifests itself in the form of an authoritarian attitude, excessive irritability, insensitivity, aggression and more. Sometimes depression can manifest itself in the form of a constant and intense bad mood.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, ed. the Va (DSM-5) and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, the Xa Review (ICD-10), it is not enough for a person to be just sad to be diagnosed with depression.

Information about depression and how it can overwhelm us

Information about depression: it can affect anyone

It can happen to us all. One morning we may wake up without energy and unable to get out of bed. It seems that there has been a change in our lives and in our souls we only feel anguish.

A feeling of helplessness follows, as if everything around us overwhelms us and exhausts us. You feel that you cannot go on unless you force yourself to ignore the inner pain.

You have days when you feel good and days when you feel bad. Emotional instability becomes a characteristic feature of you. You do not understand what is happening to you, but you experience intense anxiety, which deepens you even more into depression.

You’re confused, you can’t even remember the last time you felt good. You’re naked inside. Every time you leave the house, when someone offers to help you or when you start a new project, you feel bad against your will.

Information about depression and loneliness

But the pain will pass. It is necessary to use the services of a professional who can help you understand your situation and overcome it. Psychological help is a powerful tool to heal your body and mind.

Information about depression – comorbid depression and anxiety

We already know that depression is often associated with anxiety, the result being an anxious-depressive state that is very painful and disturbing for those affected.

The main characteristics of anxiety are the feeling of fear, panic, nervousness, avoidance behavior and instability. We also mention hyperstimulation, muscle tension, hypervigilance and the perception that there is an immediate danger or threat.

Depression and anxiety have some common symptoms.  These include irritability, worries, lack of concentration, insomnia, psychomotor agitation, crying, feeling inferior and low self-esteem.

Information on depression and pain caused by this disease

One of the strongest metaphors for depression is the famous “black dog”. In the video below we will discover how depression can be represented with the help of a black dog. It continues to grow more and more, eventually becoming a shadow that covers the entire life of the patient.

The video was made by the World Health Organization to graphically illustrate some of the everyday situations that people with depression look at in a special way.

If you feel that you identify with what is discussed in this article or if you suspect that you suffer from depression, consult your doctor and share your worries with your loved ones. Look for a treatment that will help you focus your thoughts on something constructive.

Treating depression will mark a turning point in your life.

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