The Radars With The Most Fines In Spain

Speeding is frequently one of the causes of accidents on the road, but in addition, it is also one of a large number of fines, so we show you the radars with the most fines in Spain
The radars with the most fines in Spain

The DGT has had around 600 fixed radars along the 166,003 km that make up the country’s road network. These actions are part of an attempt to take advantage of advances in technology in order to reduce road accidents; but they are also a good collection flow, for that reason, we review the radars with the most fines in Spain.

In the social sphere, many people question that most of these devices are located on roads with a low accident rate; This is mainly thought about the radars that generate a greater number of fines.

In any case, these are elements that help and contribute to drivers paying more attention and adhering to compliance with the rules, even if their motivation is solely to avoid the monetary penalty.

Red numbers

At the beginning of the 1970s, the first devices to measure the speed of vehicles were installed in Madrid and Barcelona. This technology made it possible to capture in a single image, both the offending vehicle and the reading emitted by the cinemometer.

Progressively, the radars were expanding their presence nationwide. Until, in the 80s, with the arrival of more powerful cars, the alarms of the General Directorate of Traffic went off.

The measures implemented to reverse this situation, not only brought a considerable increase in speed measuring devices, there were also changes in the legislation, by pointing out the responsibility of drivers for accidents.

New technologies, better rates

If the accident figures for 30 years are compared with those of today, there is a significant decrease. The all-time high was reached in 1989, when 5,940 people lost their lives in intercity road accidents.

The data up to December 17, 2017, showed 1,165 fatalities, which at that time represented an increase with respect to the total numbers of 2016, when deaths totaled 1,116. Additionally, for the second consecutive year there was an increase in the figures, and this had not happened since 1998-1997.

The radars with the most fines in Spain
These devices have the function of making drivers aware of the importance of adapting speed to each type of road and section.

These data are influenced by the greater and better controls exercised by the responsible authorities. They are also figures that are derived from the development of automotive technologies in terms of road safety, such as the airbag or crash tests.

Is it an efficient system?

The fixed speed meters available on the highways, highways and roads of Spain, have collected in 2017 more than 70.66 million euros, according to preliminary figures released in October.

In these percentages, the numbers for November and December still need to be added, and the data for the regions of Catalonia and the Basque Country, whose competence has been decentralized, are not included.

In many social sectors there is the impression that these radars deployed in the country, whether they are fixed, mobile or even airborne, fulfill more of a collection function than of accident prevention.

There is also the feeling that the largest number of controls have been installed on roads that already had low rates, while critical points remain, in general, neglected and maintain a high level of accidents.

causes of accidents and traffic accidents
Speeding is one of the main causes of traffic accidents.

The radars with the most fines

Whether as measures to reduce traffic accidents or just as money collectors, the cinemometers are still active. The list with the five radars with the most fines within the Spanish road system  is as follows:

  • Circunvalación de Málaga (M-20): located at Kilometer 10, in decreasing direction, has added a total of 30,062 complaints processed.
  • The Autovía del Mediterráneo (A-7):  also in Malaga, it has two of the radars with the most fines. The first at kilometer 146, in an increasing direction and the second at kilometer 256, decreasing. As of October 2017, 41,552 and 47,000 complaints were issued respectively.
  • Sierra Nevada-Costa tropical highway (A-44) in Jaén. Located at kilometer 76, towards Granada ; with 55 614 complaints, it closed in second place.

The most productive radar

On a steep hill and just after a curve. The radar that puts the most fines in Spain is in the province of Segovia, at kilometer 59 of the La Coruña highway (N-VI). Its speed limit is 50 km / h; processed a total of 54,911 complaints between January and October 2017.

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