Exercises To Prevent And Treat Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease today. This occurs when the body no longer produces new bone tissue. Osteoporosis is usually a hereditary condition, being transmitted from parents to children. Other causes of its occurrence may be: insufficient daily calcium intake and menopause.
Exercises to prevent and treat osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones, making them more fragile  and more vulnerable to fractures. Patients may suffer fractures to the hips, wrists or vertebrae as a result of a stroke or physical exertion. In today’s article, we present the best exercises for preventing and treating osteoporosis. 

Useful information on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease today. This occurs when the body no longer produces new bone tissue. Osteoporosis is usually a hereditary condition, being transmitted from parents to children. Other causes of its occurrence may be: insufficient daily calcium intake and menopause.

Calcium and vitamin D are nutrients needed by the body to produce new bone tissue. If you do not consume a sufficient amount of these two elements, the bones lose their density and become more fragile and more prone to fractures.

Osteoporosis does not only affect postmenopausal women. It can also occur in men over the age of 50, when the body no longer produces as much testosterone (male hormone) as before.

Other risk factors are:

  • Bed immobilization
  • Certain diseases
  • Certain medications
  • Cases of osteoporosis in the family
  • Low body weight
  • Poor nutrition
  • Smoking
  • Lack of menstruation (amenorrhea)

In the early stages, osteoporosis can be asymptomatic, so patients do not realize that they suffer from this disease. It is often diagnosed only when the patient falls and breaks a bone. Osteoporosis can also cause unwarranted pain, bent posture (called kyphosis) or a decrease in height.

Radiography for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

Exercise to prevent and treat osteoporosis

You can stimulate the metabolism of bone tissue with the help of certain strength exercises and with a low impact on the joints. You need to train both your upper and lower body.

Aerobic exercises such as walking or cycling, swimming, dancing or jogging are also very good choices. They strengthen the bones and also protect the health of the heart.

  • Never bend your back completely, as you can damage or even fracture your spine if osteoporosis is in an advanced stage.
  • It does not hold your breath for long periods of time. Breathe slowly, calmly.
  • Do three sets of 10-15 repetitions of each exercise, with a 30-second break between sets.
  • Try to do these exercises 3-5 times a week.
  • Before each workout, perform warm-up movements, and at the end a few stretches.

Take a brisk walk for 15 minutes without stopping, preferably in a park, where you can’t be distracted by shops and you don’t have to stop at traffic lights.

Sit in a chair, lean back, keep your feet on the floor and bend one knee, keeping your back straight. Raise and lower your bent leg as many times as you can.

Lean your hands against a wall. Leave your body in front until you create a diagonal with the floor, but do not lift your legs and heels. Bend your elbows and rest your chest on your hands. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

Lean your back against the wall. Spread your legs at shoulder level and bend your knees. Lift and lower your body slowly, keeping your back straight.

Go up and down a row of stairs. Another option would be to use a stepper, stepping forward and then back first with the right foot, and then with the left.

Exercises to prevent and treat osteoporosis

Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis through sport

Sit in a chair and put your hands behind your neck. As you inhale air and open your lungs, push your elbows back as far as you can. 

In addition, you can rest your hands on your hips and take a deep breath while pushing your elbows and shoulders back.

Lie on a mattress on the floor and extend your right arm above your head, pressing your palm to the floor for a few seconds. Then repeat the exercise with your left arm.

Lean your shoulder against a wall. Push into it with the nearest hand. Take a step forward with your foot against the wall and bend your knee. Stay in this position for a few minutes, then return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Exercise to prevent and treat osteoporosis

Lie on your back with your arms out to the side. Bend your legs and support your weight on your feet. Slowly lift your pelvis. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

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