The Myth Of Carcinogenic Foods

Public opinion and various health associations often correlate certain foods with the risk of developing cancer. The most blamed foods are the genetically modified ones. But are these statements true?
The myth of carcinogenic foods

It is true that there may be carcinogenic compounds in certain foods. But you should not fully trust the myth of carcinogenic foods. It is best to study each case carefully.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in developed countries. It occurs more often in the elderly and is usually correlated with carcinogens to which the patient has been exposed throughout life, among others.

Unfortunately, certain such carcinogenic foods can be part of your diet without you realizing it. More and more scientific studies link certain foods to the appearance of certain types of cancer. But there are many factors that cause cancer. Diet also has its importance, along with other aspects such as genetic inheritance.

One thing is for sure: adopting a healthy diet is a beneficial habit. By following a healthy diet plan, you will maintain your health. In addition, you will prevent the occurrence of several types of chronic diseases.

It is important to always interpret the information you discover logically. There are many articles that link certain foods to the appearance of various diseases. But this information is not always true.

Thinking girl

The myth of carcinogenic foods

Processed meat

Some meat products contain nitrogen-based compounds or aromatic amines to help preserve them and give them a more appealing taste to the consumer. This is usually true for marinated, dried or salted dishes. These compounds may present health risks with some carcinogenic potential.

But a balanced diet is enough to prevent the potential side effects of these preservatives and flavorings. If you do not eat such products in excess and eat enough vegetables, processed meat is not a danger to you.

Sour and non-acidic juices

Excessive consumption of sour and non-sour juices is harmful to health. These products contain huge amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners. When you consume them, your blood sugar level rises dramatically.

Diet juices, which contain low amounts of sugar, also contain other chemicals and synthetic sweeteners that are harmful to health. Some of these compounds can be carcinogenic in certain situations. But it has not yet been shown that they certainly cause cancer.

The best option is to reduce the consumption of these drinks as much as possible. You need to consider the potential harm they have to your health.

Genetically modified organisms

There are many people who oppose the use of transgenic or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). But this attitude of rejecting transgenic technology has its origins, usually in ethical and marketing aspects and less in the harmful potential of the products obtained.

There is a wealth of information that genetically modified foods eaten regularly can lead to cancer. Unfortunately, this is becoming clearer with each passing day.

In addition, herbicides and pesticides are a major problem. These products are used in excess in genetically modified crops.

Therefore, it takes into account the two main characteristics of genetically modified foods: these crops are resistant to pests and tolerate herbicides very well. As you can imagine, these features are not natural at all.

Characteristics of genetically modified foods (GMOs)

Tomatoes and the myth of carcinogenic foods

Over time, genetically modified organisms have undergone several changes. The first of these was due to a protein bacterium. Farmers have used it in organic farming since the 1930s.

The second change occurred by introducing a gene belonging to a bacterium into the cultures. Thus, the plants will produce a protein that will give them resistance to the herbicide glyphosate. The use of this harmful substance is the biggest controversy related to transgenic organisms. However, there is information since 1974 that the use of glyphosate does not present major risks if the instructions for use are followed.

The fear of consuming genetically modified products usually comes from a lack of reliable and conclusive information. After all, all genetically modified organisms are cultures to which DNA fragments have been modified or added. But DNA is present in all foods. You consume it with them, and your stomach breaks it down without problems or side effects.

Because of all the suspicions hovering around genetically modified organisms, these crops go through rigorous verification processes. The results of these checks show that genetically modified organisms are no more dangerous than those obtained by conventional methods in intensive agriculture.

Before you believe the myth of carcinogenic foods, find out correctly!

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