3 Ways To Balance Brain Chemistry

A 30-minute daily walk is a great way to balance brain chemistry. This activity stimulates the production of serotonin and helps us feel much better.
3 ways to balance brain chemistry

The chemistry of the brain makes us more prone to certain emotional states. This process is both fascinating and complex. Any imbalance or change in neurotransmitters can make us experience states of extreme motivation, overwhelming sadness, radiant joy and more. Therefore, it is important to know certain ways to balance the chemistry of the brain so that we can cope with depression.

These biochemical alterations depend on multiple factors. For example, there are endogenous forms of depression, characterized by low serotonin levels that cause helplessness, anhedonia and constant depression.

Exogenous depression depends not only on what surrounds us, but also on how we cope with small daily challenges and adversity, whether it is small or complex problems.

Depression has been shown to be associated with certain amino acids and a combination of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

Brain chemistry determines emotional states. Although sometimes we have nowhere to go and we have to resort to medicines, in today’s article we propose some complementary strategies. Read on to discover three ways to balance brain chemistry.

1. Dopamine deficiency and depression

Man who needs ways to balance brain chemistry

A low level of dopamine can cause a wide range of obvious symptoms: fatigue, apathy, mood swings, decreased interest in the things around us and even depression. Thus, depression that is based on a dopamine deficiency is difficult to treat.

Dopamine is the most important neurotransmitter in the brain. It mediates communication between neurons and nerve cells.

According to researchers, dopamine also plays a key role in producing movements, motor skills and generating energy (or motivation) to interact with the environment.

How to increase your dopamine levels naturally

  • Dopamine levels can be increased with the help of an essential amino acid called L-phenylalanine.
  • The human body cannot synthesize L-phenylalanine naturally. For this reason, we must obtain it through food.
  • Ingested L-phenylalanine is converted to tyrosine and simultaneously stimulates dopamine production.

We can get this amino acid by consuming:

  • Meat
  • Dairy products
  • Laminated nuts such as almonds and walnuts
  • Seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin)
  • bananas
  • Beet
  • Chocolate
  • Green tea
  • Cranberry juice
  • Noni juice

Also, meditate or practice moderate sports that can balance brain chemistry.

2. Serotonin, the hormone of happiness

Woman who takes advantage of the main ways to balance brain chemistry

Most antidepressant drugs work like this: their action prevents a number of inhibitors from stopping the production of serotonin. Serotonin deficiency makes it difficult to treat depression.

  • Low serotonin levels can cause stress, grief, negative thoughts and despair.
  • This is why various antidepressant drugs support adequate serotonin production.
  • It is good to know that we can achieve this effect naturally.

How to increase your serotonin levels without medication

  • Improve your diet. Increase your intake of Cavendish bananas, dark chocolate, avocado, chicken, watermelon, blueberries, milk and plantain bananas (ie the same foods that increase dopamine production).
  • Adopt a new hobby. Enroll in a painting or dance class, start practicing yoga.
  • Listen to music. The positive emotions produced by it help us to balance our brain chemistry.
  • Get out of the house and meet new people.

3. Proper sleep, on the list of ways to balance brain chemistry

Ways to balance brain chemistry without drugs

Inadequate sleep, sleepless nights and difficulty falling asleep have many negative consequences. These include decreased serotonin levels, which can cause fatigue, hypersensitivity and even depression.

Sleeping well is one of the most effective ways to balance brain chemistry. This simple habit regulates the level of neurotransmitters and helps us to have a stronger, positive and resilient emotional state.

How to sleep better to take care of your brain health

  • A stable schedule follows. Serve lunch and dinner at set times and always go to bed at the same time every night.
  • Two hours before bedtime, reduce your exposure to electronic devices. Turn off your computer, mobile phone, and tablet.
  • Exercise in the afternoon, but never immediately before bed.
  • Set a set of nightly rituals that you should always follow: take a hot shower, drink a cup of milk with honey, read a book and relax in bed.
  • Try to maintain a normal temperature in the bedroom. Excessive heat and intense odors affect rest.

As you can see, in addition to medication, we have many other ways to balance brain chemistry and cope with depression.

To get out of this “black hole”, we need strategies, psychological resources, the help of medical staff and, last but not least, better living habits, such as those presented in this article.

Are you ready to implement them?

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