10 Symptoms Of Lung Problems

Early detection of any disease is essential. Take good care of your lungs so that you can protect their health. After all, they are among the most important organs in your body.
10 symptoms of lung problems

The quality of life is closely linked to the care we give to our body. Obviously, the internal organs are very important. For example, did you know that the fatigue that occurs when you climb stairs or play with your children could be symptoms of lung problems?

Under normal conditions, an adult can inhale and exhale air up to 20,000 times a day. When your breathing becomes irregular, you need to start taking better care of yourself.

The airways are the most demanding system in the body. For this reason, constant fatigue may indicate a lung problem.

The main symptoms of lung problems

1. Fatigue or exhaustion

Tired woman

Maybe before you used to walk a lot and always climb stairs, but now you can no longer perform these activities. How you move a little, how you start to feel exhausted.

2. Whistling breath

It is not normal to make sounds when you inhale and exhale air. If you notice that your breathing is wheezing, it is very likely that your lungs have become ill.

3. Constant cough and recurrent flu

Influenza caused by viruses is very common in winter. But you need to start worrying if your cough or flu persists.

Your doctor will start by checking your immune system, but it will certainly pay attention to your lungs as well.

4. Sputum

Sputum is a mixture of saliva and phlegm that develops in the airways. Smokers tend to expectorate this substance in the morning. Basically, the patient feels a constant need to spit and eliminate phlegm.

5. Difficulty breathing

Woman showing symptoms of lung problems

If you have difficulty breathing, there is clearly a problem. Breathing is a normal function of the body, which we hardly notice. If you are unable to breathe properly, make an appointment with your doctor immediately!

6. Chest pressure

This symptom manifests itself in the form of intense pressure in the chest. Most likely, the pressure will be accompanied by pain when you cough, walk, take a deep breath or bend over.

7. Loss of muscle mass

Muscle mass may decrease due to the body’s inability to exchange oxygen. Although this symptom may be based on other factors, if it occurs at the same time as the other alarm signals presented in this article, the cause could be the lungs.

8. Unexplained fever

Man with a fever

Fevers that occur for no apparent reason are not normal. A fever is a way of defending the body and indicates the existence of an irregularity. Usually, this symptom is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes.

9. Coughing up blood

This symptom occurs in the advanced stages of diseases such as tuberculosis or pulmonary embolism. If you cough up blood, consult a doctor immediately to avoid complications.

10. Loss of appetite

Many people feel that there is no connection between appetite and lungs. In reality, if our lungs do not function properly, we no longer feel the need to eat as much as before.

Tips to keep your lungs healthy

Smoking man

The 10 symptoms of lung problems presented above are alarm signals. Under no circumstances should we ignore them. If you are careful and cautious, the doctor will be able to detect any problem in time and offer you an appropriate treatment.

But to stay healthy, it is not enough to notice the changes that take place in your body. Equally or perhaps even more important is to take steps to prevent disease.

You have several habits that you can adopt to strengthen your lungs and protect your respiratory system from damage. These habits will undoubtedly have a beneficial impact on your quality of life.

Apply the following 5 tips with confidence, and your lungs will always be strong and healthy:

Do not smoke

This measure is essential, and the others will not work if you do not adopt it.

Perform breathing exercises

You have several exercises that will strengthen your lungs. If you want to know more about them, consult a specialist. Yoga, for example, is one of the best activities for the lungs.

Detoxify your body regularly

For this purpose, it serves various beneficial foods. Your lungs will be healthier if you choose to eat sources of iron (watercress, pistachios) and foods rich in vitamin E.

Avoid pollution

This advice is not easy to follow in contemporary society. But, as much as possible, avoid polluted environments as well as smoking areas.

Drink detoxifying teas

You can replace morning coffee with herbal teas that purify the lungs. The most recommended types are oatmeal, eucalyptus and orange peel.

The most common lung disease

The most common problem affecting the lungs is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This most commonly occurs in people who smoke for more than two decades, but “beginner” smokers can also be affected.

Although chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the most common consequence of smoking, those exposed to chemical vapors, environmental pollution and dust are also at risk of developing it.

Now that you know the main alarm signals sent by your lungs when they get sick, take the necessary measures to protect yourself. Remember, early detection and prevention are essential. After all, the lungs are two of the most important organs in our body.

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