6 Drinks That Relieve Kidney Pain

To relieve kidney pain, it is essential to hydrate properly to combat water retention. In this way you will eliminate the toxins accumulated in the body. 
6 drinks that relieve kidney pain

Are you looking for drinks that relieve kidney pain? These small organs play an important role in cleansing the body of toxins, controlling several detoxifying functions, from balancing the level of electrolytes to maintaining blood pressure.

Kidney pain can have several causes. Among these we mention:

  • The presence of an injury
  • A tumor
  • A urinary tract infection
  • Blood clots in the veins in the kidneys
  • Kidney stones (kidney stones)
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Limited urine flow

Regardless of its cause, kidney pain is bothersome and restrictive. To combat this problem, it is advisable to consult a doctor because, in general, kidney pain is just a symptom of a more complex problem that needs to be treated properly. 

Fortunately, there are certain natural remedies and drinks that relieve kidney pain.

Drinks that relieve kidney pain

1. Flat water

Simple water on the list of drinks that relieve kidney pain

We all know that we have to drink two liters of water a day, but most people drink much less. Even if you do not have any problems normally, if you have kidney pain, it is important to consume the recommended amount.

Water is essential for the easy elimination of toxins from the body. At the same time, it is important to distribute the two liters of water throughout the day. In addition, the water should be as natural as possible, without added sugar or other harmful ingredients.

2. Water with lemon

Lemon contains citric acid, a substance that helps dissolve and remove kidney stones.

If you have an excess of calcium in your body, your kidneys hurt because of the difficulties encountered in purifying urine. To avoid this problem, try drinking a glass of water with the juice of two lemons. Do not add sugar or other sweeteners to avoid consuming more toxins.

Lemon water is one of the best drinks to relieve kidney pain, if your doctor has informed you that the symptom is caused by kidney stones.

3. Nettle tea

Nettle tea on the list of drinks that relieve kidney pain

Have you been to the doctor and found out that kidney pain is caused by inflammation? This problem occurs when the kidneys have difficulty transporting urine.

Fortunately, nettle tea helps eliminate bacteria and crystals that affect your kidneys. Try to drink a cup of nettle tea a day.


  • 1 teaspoon nettle leaves (5 g)
  • 1 cup boiling water (250 ml)

Method of preparation

  • Add the nettle leaves to the water and let them infuse for seven minutes.
  • Strain and drink the liquid, without adding sugar or other sweeteners.

4. Celery juice

Celery has antiseptic properties that help eliminate bacteria accumulated in the kidneys. If your kidneys hurt, but previous drinks have not helped, try this option.

  • Even though celery juice has a strong aroma, it is very effective. If you do not particularly like the taste of celery, you can try mixing juice with water or lemon juice.
  • Another option would be to add celery to smoothies. In this way you can combine this ingredient with other fruits and vegetables mentioned in this article.

5. Pomegranate juice

Drinks that relieve kidney pain such as pomegranate juice

Both juice and pomegranate seeds help relieve kidney pain and treat urinary tract infections. This fruit has astringent properties that help dissolve kidney stones formed due to excess minerals.

In addition, pomegranate juice is very moisturizing and low in carbohydrates. If you want, try drinking a glass of pomegranate juice twice a week. Although it does not contain much sugar, this liquid is sweet, which is why you should consume it in moderation to prevent hyperglycemia.

6. Watermelon juice

Watermelon contains a large amount of water and potassium. These two elements help to dissolve the stones formed by phosphates and carbonates.

In addition, watermelon juice and water regulate the level of acidity in the urine. 

  • If you choose watermelon juice as a remedy for relieving kidney pain, it is advisable to eat it fresh and in small quantities, because it has a rich sugar content.
  • Ideally, mix 1/3 cup melon juice with 2/3 water or add the juice to smoothies.

Other recommendations

In addition to consuming these drinks that relieve kidney pain, you need to take other measures. The most important is the visit to the doctor. It is not normal for your kidneys to hurt, and if this symptom lasts for more than a few days, it is good to find out what is its cause to eliminate the possibility of a serious condition.

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