How To Appeal A Blue Zone Ticket?

How to appeal a blue zone fine?

The fine is a payment that can be avoided , filing an appeal for replacement  within a period of no more than one month. How to appeal a blue zone fine? The first thing is that it is proven that the driver committed the offense and this test takes time.

Recommendations to avoid fines in the blue zone

The blue zones are those destined by the city council to charge for parking on public roads. It is a regulation that requires payment, depending on the time the vehicle remains parked in areas chosen for it; there are other factors that are taken into account, such as whether the vehicle is a resident or a visitor.

Parking in blue zone.

The reason that was the basis for the establishment of blue zones is to promote the rotation of vehicles, so that everyone has more possibilities; in theory, it is easier to have a greater number of free parking spaces.

The Regulated Parking Service was initially established in the center of cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Seville ; later it was spreading to a large part of the cities and towns of Spain. Its cost is high in some cases, and the time of permanence is limited

Road tax or blue zones?

Both must be paid. Both the road tax and the charge for parking in the blue zones have a cost; This tax has nothing to do with the payment for parking, which is also made to a private company . What can be appealed are the fines for the latter concept

How to avoid the blue zone fine?

Those who do not withdraw the ticket offered by the parking meter, do not pay the fee or exceed the indicated time, will receive the unpleasant notification. It is advisable, in principle, not to incur any of these grounds to avoid the fine.

If the notification has already reached the vehicle’s windshield wiper, there are options to take to appeal a blue zone ticket. There are those who decide not to do it to avoid setbacks or to benefit from prompt payment; in some cases it may be preferable to pay three euros to avoid the fine; but there are other options.

Blue zone fines: legal?

Since its entry into force, the legality of these fines has been questioned and there are several reasons. In principle, those who impose the fine do not have sanctioning jurisdiction. They are workers of private companies hired by the municipalities, to detect possible infractions.

Consequently, the papers left by the ORA agents or parking meter controllers are not drawn up by judicial or administrative entities; they lack value and the obligatory presumption of veracity.

Notification without legal value

What these controllers do is report that a violation may have been committed. The authority will be the one to decide if there really was an infraction and what sanction has to be imposed.

A few days after receiving this complaint, a notification will arrive by ordinary or non-certified mail. In principle, it has not been issued by a qualified body and is invalid. Unless the complaint comes directly from the General Directorate of Traffic, because there are agreements with the company in the blue zone.

The sanctioning administrative agreement will arrive at the user’s home days later as a formal complaint; From there , the process to appeal a blue zone fine begins.

The steps for allegations or discharges are the same as for any sanction for traffic offenses. On the Internet you can get the templates to write these texts that will accompany the resource.

Verify the veracity

Blue zone ORA controller.

The first thing is to study the case, to verify if everything contained in the complaint is true. Any inaccuracies in the date, place, driver and vehicle data are points in favor of the appellant.

Instructions to follow are on the back of the paper left on the windshield wiper. There is also a postal address to which to send the appeal to appeal the blue zone fine; Another option is to deliver it to any post office to be sent to the competent institution.

Innocent until the agent proves otherwise

The SER agent must have evidence to support the complaint or it could violate the presumption of innocence. This employee of the Regulated Parking Service lacks the presumption of veracity that, for example, a policeman has. Therefore, you must show that the person fined committed an offense.

The appeal for reconsideration must be processed within a month of receiving the complaint from the SER agent, or else it will not be successful. Appealing a blue zone fine could save up to 90 euros, depending on the zone where the offense is indicated.

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