Renal Colic In Pregnancy: Causes And Symptoms

The changes that a woman’s body undergoes during pregnancy facilitate the appearance of abdominal pain and renal colic.
Renal colic in pregnancy: causes and symptoms

Renal colic in pregnancy can occur due to several factors. You need to pay attention to the intensity of the pain and other symptoms you may experience. It is best to consult your doctor so that he can perform the appropriate tests and give you an accurate diagnosis.

In this article, we will analyze the causes of renal colic during pregnancy, both the most common and the most severe. The latter can indicate anything from ectopic pregnancy to premature birth.

Renal colic in pregnancy: causes

For starters, one of the early signs of pregnancy is renal colic, as it may indicate implantation of the embryo in the uterus. This type of pain lasts from one to two days and is similar to menstrual pain.

These types of colic can occur in the lower abdomen before the usual menstrual date. However, it may recur as the baby grows due to the pressure it puts on the uterus.

2. Gas and constipation

Renal colic in pregnancy causes discomfort

Physiological changes that occur during pregnancy often affect the digestive rhythm, which causes abdominal cramps and pain.

During pregnancy, many physiological changes occur, including slower digestion. This causes inflammation and accumulation of gas, which can cause a type of colic that is not severe.

Also, the intestines move upward as the uterus increases in size during pregnancy. This slows down the intestinal transit and can also cause pain.

Braxton Hicks contractions are common in many pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimesters. These are sporadic and do not indicate imminent birth, but are rather a preparation of the body for the big day.

These types of contractions are uncomfortable but painless, although they can intensify as the date of birth approaches. We can recognize them because they are irregular and rare.

4. Muscle and ligament pain

Renal colic in pregnancy causes pain
The presence of an embryo in the abdomen stretches the ligaments and muscles.

As we discussed in the first point, renal colic that occurs between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy occurs due to the pressure put by the baby on the muscles and ligaments. Specifically, cramps occur in the round ligament, which is responsible for supporting the uterus.

Over 70% of pregnant women have this type of sharp pain in the lower abdomen. However, it is a slight discomfort that lasts for a few seconds or minutes, without risk to the child in most cases.

Renal colic in high-risk pregnancies


Pregnant in the hospital
There are more severe cases and the pain may indicate a cause that requires immediate medical attention.

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