Urinary Incontinence – 6 Natural Remedies

Urinary incontinence is an uncomfortable health problem that affects many people. Read on to discover some natural remedies that will help you control your bladder again and regain your self-confidence.
Urinary incontinence - 6 natural remedies

Urinary incontinence is a very uncomfortable health problem that can be treated with natural remedies.

Those affected can no longer control their bladder and have to bear the psychological consequences of this reality. In order to improve self-esteem, the patient must know exactly whether he suffers from chronic urinary incontinence or a reversible form.

Regardless of the circumstances, urinary incontinence can be treated with certain natural remedies . Below we present six of them.

6 natural remedies to treat urinary incontinence

Fennel infusion

Among other things, fennel helps you overcome urinary incontinence

Fennel is a plant with diuretic properties. Although it seems counterproductive to use this plant if you suffer from urinary incontinence,  fennel will help you completely empty your bladder every time you go to the toilet . Thus, the urine will not be lost involuntarily, and the bladder will not fill as quickly.


  • 2 tablespoons (20 g) of fennel seeds
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water


  • Heat the water. As soon as it reaches boiling point, add the fennel seeds.
  • Let it infuse for 10 minutes, then strain.
  • Before serving the infusion, wait until it cools down.
  • Drink a cup of fennel infusion every day.

Raspberry leaf infusion

You can treat urinary incontinence with various infusions

This drink strengthens the muscles around the bladder, decreasing the frequency of urine loss. To prepare it, all you have to do is follow some instructions similar to the steps described in the previous subpoint. It is very simple!


  • 1 tablespoon raspberry leaves (not seeds)
  • 1 cup water


  • Bring the water to a boil and add the raspberry leaves.
  • Wait 10 minutes, then strain the infusion and serve.
  • Consume this infusion once a day.

Garlic baths

And garlic helps you fight urinary incontinence

And garlic is a reliable ally to overcome urinary incontinence through natural remedies.


  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 bouquet of white hawthorn flowers
  • 1 l of water


  • To combat urinary incontinence, add crushed garlic and a bouquet of white hawthorn flowers in a liter of hot water.
  • When the mixture is bearable hot, strain the liquid and pour it into the bathtub. Take a sitting bath with garlic once a day.
  • In addition to this trick, consume one of the infusions presented above.

Infusion of bear grape leaves

There are various herbs that help you fight urinary incontinence

Bear grape leaves can be purchased from any plafar and are one of the most effective natural remedies to treat urinary incontinence. You need to take them as an infusion.


  • 1 tablespoon (10 g) of bear grape leaves
  • 1 l of water


  • To prepare the infusion, you need a tablespoon of bear grape leaves for every liter of water.
  • Drink one cup of this infusion every three hours , but no more than four or five cups a day.

Careful! If you suffer from liver disease or experience inflammation, do not try this remedy. Rather opt for one of the other remedies presented in this article.

Hot water exercises

Hot water can help you fight urinary incontinence

Strengthening muscles is another effective way to prevent urinary incontinence.


  • Fill a bidet with warm water and sit in it. If you do not have a bidet, use any other container that you can fill with water and in which you can sit. Start by contracting your genital muscles for 5 seconds.
  • Rest for 10 seconds, then repeat the exercise.
  • Perform 10 repetitions.

Gradually, the muscles in the target region will strengthen. As a result, the frequency of involuntary loss of urine will decrease or they will be less pronounced than before. Thus, you will gain self-confidence.

Other useful exercises

Certain exercises help you treat urinary incontinence

Certain exercises allow you to contract your rectum, urethra and, in the case of women, the vagina. One of these involves lying on your back with your knees bent and your legs slightly apart.

Keep the target region contracted and slowly count to three. Then, gently reduce the tension on the muscles and perform between five and ten repetitions.

To perform this exercise correctly, you must breathe constantly, so as not to contract your stomach, thighs or buttocks. Check your abdomen with your hand so that you make sure your stomach is relaxed and that you are not contracting the wrong regions.

Do not hesitate to try these natural remedies presented in this article to treat urinary incontinence.

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