The Best Curly Hair Masks

If you are tired of rebellious strands and messy curls, confidently resort to natural masks for curly hair.
The best masks for curly hair

If you want to change your appearance and beautify your natural curls, use masks for curly hair with confidence. To have healthy, beautiful and shiny hair, in everyday life or on a special occasion, read the following article and you will learn how to prepare various masks at home to create well-defined curls.

Tips for wonderful curly hair

Although some people find it impossible to get perfect curls without using a curler or hair dryer, the reality is different. There are many ways to do this without “attacking” your hair with these devices. If you have straight hair or your natural curls are not so well defined, prepare and apply masks for curly hair

A great way to get great curls is by twisting the strands of hair. After washing your hair, let it dry a bit. Then take a strand and twist it on your finger, then hold them all with paper clips and let them sit for an hour or two. After the hair has dried naturally, peel off the hairpins and run your fingers through the hair to increase its volume.

Applying curly hair masks in the shower

If you have slightly wavy hair, use a comb with large teeth to untangle it when it is still wet, to avoid breaking it. Then separate the hair into several sections and roll one on your fingers, holding it for about a minute. Do the same with all other sections and let the hair dry naturally.

Curlers and braids

Our mothers and grandmothers did not have curlers or hair dryers, but they had enviable curly hair, with very beautiful curls. These were obtained with the help of curlers and hairpins. Purchase these items and ask for guidance from an older woman.

It’s not hard to do, but there are always some secrets and tricks to discover. Wrap each strand of hair in a curler and hold it with a hairpin, then cover your head with a scarf or hair net and let the curlers sit overnight. In the morning, carefully remove each curler. Surely your curly hair will arouse everyone’s admiration.

Girl using masks for curly hair

Another way to get wavy hair (if you have straight hair) is to braid it when it is wet. You can sleep with your hair braided. In the morning you will have some beautiful ripples. The best method is to make a French braid, starting from the top of the head. If you have longer hair, you can divide it into several sections and braid them individually.

Curly hair masks

You can also prepare some curly hair masks that help you soften the rebellious strands.

Olive oil and honey

Heat two tablespoons of olive oil and half a cup of honey. Massage this mixture on the scalp, heading towards the tips. Cover your head with a shower cap, leave the mask on for an hour, then wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo. Honey also gives shine to the natural color of the hair.

Coconut oil

Essential and natural oils help you get perfect curls. Heat a cup of coconut oil and apply it on the entire surface of the hair. Cover your head with a hot shower head or towel. Wash your head with cold water and repeat the procedure three times a week.

After each treatment, dry your hair a little, then use any of the methods described above to get curly or wavy hair.

The effects of masks for curly hair


Did you know that diet can also determine how curly your hair is? In addition, the more water you drink daily (at least two liters) the more hydrated your body will be and you will get better results. Add to the diet fish oil (natural or in the form of tablets), but also more fruits and vegetables.

Avocado and olive oil

Apply the following treatment every week. Mix the pulp of an avocado with a tablespoon of olive oil. Add a teaspoon of baking soda and apply the mixture on the hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse your hair.

Wash your head normally, then use any of the methods presented above to have beautiful curls and curly hair with a special look.

Other tricks for perfect curls

If you have wavy hair, but the curls are not well “defined”, you probably have many rebellious strands. To get rid of them, follow these steps: wash your head with a shampoo and conditioner suitable for your hair type. Use a comb with sparse teeth to untangle your hair under running water.

The hair will become stronger when it dries. Squeeze out excess water, gently wipe your hair with a towel, then separate it into several sections. Form several curls with your fingers without using the hair dryer.

It is important to keep your hair moist and not let it dry. You can use a hair mousse before putting your hair on small curlers attached with hairpins. Leave the hair trapped in this way for at least half an hour. Remove each curler carefully, and after you have removed them all, gently shake your head. Comb and arrange your hair only with your fingers.

The need for masks for curly and dyed hair

Another option is to dry your hair with a towel after taking a shower, and then lower your head so that your hair “hangs”. Starting from the tips, twist several strands of hair until you create a bunch of curls that meet at the top of the head.

You can apply curly hair masks before this step. This way you will get wonderful curls, without much effort and without the help of heat-based devices.

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