Fatty Liver – Causes And Symptoms

If you do not follow an appropriate treatment to address its main causes, fatty liver can worsen, becoming chronic and causing complications.
Fatty liver - causes and symptoms

An unhealthy lifestyle, those few extra pounds, an inadequate diet… All these factors are possible causes of hepatic steatosis (also called fatty liver), one of the most common diseases today, according to specialists.

Fortunately, if we adopt certain healthy habits, we can eliminate excess fat in the body. In other words, hepatic steatosis can be treated if we are willing to put in a little effort.

Below we will present the symptoms caused by fatty liver, as well as its main causes. With this information, you will be able to immediately recognize this condition and take the necessary measures to get better.

Remember what is written below and do not forget: when you have any doubts about your health, consult a doctor as soon as possible!

What is fatty liver and what can be the cause of this condition?

As mentioned earlier, the medical term for fatty liver is “hepatic steatosis”. This condition is benign, so you don’t have to worry about it.

However, if you do not follow a proper treatment, the fatty liver can worsen, becoming chronic and causing problems that will affect you in the long run.

The main cause of fatty liver is the accumulation of fatty acids and triglycerides in the liver. As a consequence, this vital organ is disrupted.

In this situation, the liver will no longer be able to perform its metabolic functions, nor will it be able to eliminate toxins properly.

Risks of fat accumulation

Doctors tell us that any liver contains fat. But if the level of this substance exceeds 10% of the volume of the liver, then it means that we suffer from hepatic steatosis.

To find out if we suffer from this condition, we can do blood tests. If we have a “fatty” liver, our blood will contain harmful compounds that a healthy liver can normally eliminate.

Symptoms of fatty liver include inflammation and discomfort. As fat builds up in the liver, this organ suffers small lesions that it will try to heal.

If the liver steatosis is not treated properly, the scar tissue will accumulate in the liver and cirrhosis will set in.

The most common causes of hepatic steatosis (fatty liver)

Many people associate fatty liver with alcohol and other similar unhealthy habits. But there are other risk factors that we must not ignore. These include:

  • Overweight or obesity
  • Hereditary metabolic disorders
  • Old age (over 50, especially if you’ve been on an inappropriate diet all your life)
  • Abuse of certain medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, aspirin, tamoxifen and steroids
  • High cholesterol
  • Type II diabetes

How can we tell if we are suffering from fatty liver?

Woman experiencing abdominal pain

Many of the symptoms of fatty liver can be confused with those caused by other conditions. But keep in mind the alarm signals that we are going to present to you. If they persist for a long time or you can no longer live your life normally because of them, make an appointment with your doctor.


One of the most common symptoms of hepatic steatosis (and of all liver diseases in general) is a pronounced feeling of fatigue.

This symptom most often manifests itself in the morning (for example, you have no energy to get out of bed and start your day) or immediately after eating.


When an excessive amount of fat accumulates in the liver, inflammation can occur, this organ growing in volume.

  • When you have a fatty liver, it is very possible to feel abdominal pain accompanied by a characteristic feeling of discomfort.
  • These pains can radiate backwards and will eventually give you the feeling that you have a hot disc in your abdomen.

Lack of appetite

The general discomfort caused by hepatic steatosis can cut your appetite and hinder digestion, causing alarming weight loss.

Cirrhosis and jaundice

As already mentioned, the excessive accumulation of fat in the liver can lead to the appearance of scars on this organ, which will eventually cause the installation of cirrhosis.

If you do not start a proper treatment as soon as possible, you may also have jaundice — that is, your skin and whites of your eyes will turn yellow.


Another important symptom for which you must be on your toes is the appearance of any inflammation, regardless of location.

When you suffer from hepatic steatosis, the liver is no longer able to synthesize protein properly. The body tries to compensate for this lack by retaining water.

Doctor presenting to a patient the fatty liver and its main causes

In conclusion, the presence of an excessive amount of fat in the liver is a serious danger to your health. You run the risk of experiencing serious complications if you do not fix the problem.

Now that you know what fatty liver is and what its underlying causes are, keep an eye out for the symptoms I just presented to you. Do not hesitate to ask the opinion of a doctor if you suspect that there is any irregularity!

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