Lose Weight Naturally With The Help Of Blue Tea

The taste of blue tea is a combination of green and red tea, being a delight for the taste buds and an excellent supplement for losing weight and maintaining the health of the body. Don’t hesitate to try it. 
Lose weight naturally with the help of blue tea

Lately, blue tea is in high demand. Also known as oolong tea or black dragon tea, blue tea has been the subject of many studies, which have shown that its main effect is weight loss.

Its aroma is special, borrowing a little from that of green and red tea. A real delight for the senses and an inexhaustible source of health! Don’t miss the opportunity to try it, if you haven’t already!

Blue tea is highly prized by connoisseurs. Its quality and delicious taste are the best recommendation. The good news is that it is starting to become popular among regular consumers, who can now find it in organic stores and even in some supermarkets.

Blue tea is native to Taiwan and China, where it is used as a natural remedy to get rid of extra pounds. Let’s see how!

Properties of blue tea

Blue tea has many beneficial properties

Regular consumption of blue tea has many advantages:

  • It helps you lose weight (as I mentioned above and we will detail below). According to several studies, its ability to stimulate metabolism is superior to other types of teas. By drinking blue tea, you will burn fat faster naturally.
  • It also stimulates liver metabolism, leading to lower cholesterol.
  • It is an excellent antioxidant.
  • Removes fat deposits around the liver.
  • Increases the body’s immunity, being a good protector against several types of cancer.
  • It protects your cardiovascular system, cleansing your arteries and improving blood circulation.

Does blue tea help you lose weight?

Blue tea helps you gain the ideal weight


  • The latest study, already published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, was conducted by a university in Colorado. According to its results, blue tea prevents and fights obesity and fat deposits around the liver.
  • Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center have also concluded that blue tea is recommended for weight loss, thanks to its antioxidants, which are stronger than those present in green tea.

How do you burn fat?

  • LK Han, the lead author of the study, claims that due to the high concentration of caffeine, blue tea stimulates the body to burn calories, acting as a diuretic to eliminate fluids. Also, its catechins, which are powerful antioxidants, accelerate metabolism and thermogenesis, having a strong fat burning effect.
  • The polyphenols in its composition also prevent type II diabetes, influencing carbohydrate metabolism.

How it is prepared and consumed

Blue tea is also called oolong tea


Tea making is a real art. You need to understand the peculiarities of each type of tea to benefit from all its properties. Here are the rules you need to follow when making blue tea:

  • Use a tablespoon of blue tea to a cup of water.
  • Use mineral water.
  • Avoid using a metal spoon, as this material can negate the qualities of the infusion. We recommend ceramic spoons, also used by Orientals.
  • For an excellent tea, the water must be hot, at a temperature of 90 – 100 ° C. After you have put the tea leaves in boiled water, let it infuse for three minutes. It is very important to respect this interval, as blue tea oxidizes very quickly.

How to consume it

  • It would be ideal to drink it an hour before or after main meals. Keep in mind that this type of tea contains tannins, which prevent optimal absorption of iron if it is drunk immediately after meals.
  • You can drink blue tea twice a day. Be consistent and include it in your daily menu. Do not add sugar. If you want to sweeten it, add a little honey or stevia.

Where you can find blue tea

Find out how to make blue tea

Although blue tea is starting to become more and more sought after, especially by those who want to lose weight or suffer from diabetes, you will not find it in the tea districts of regular stores. Look for it in organic stores.

Remember that it is also known as oolong tea or black dragon tea. It is not very expensive and gives good results. Try it!

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