Discover Weight Loss Water Therapy

Easy weight loss without discomfort and starvation? Yes, it is possible! In addition to helping you feel full, water therapy stimulates the elimination of excess toxins.
Discover water therapy for weight loss

How to get rid of extra pounds? Tired of trying all kinds of diets without success? If you need a helping hand, do not hesitate to try water therapy for weight loss.

After the first few attempts to lose weight, we are disappointed with the results obtained. Then, a few weeks after the start of the cure, we no longer get the expected effects, because our body has adapted to the changes.

Whether you want to try something new or you need a simpler method to lose weight, it is worth trying water therapy for weight loss .

Have you ever heard of this therapy? If your answer is no, but you want to know more, read on. In today’s article we offer you an overview of water therapy for weight loss.

You will see that it offers many benefits and is very simple. You don’t have to make any radical changes or overwork yourself.

What is the origin of water therapy for weight loss?

Water therapy is already famous in Japan. The Japanese use this therapy to cleanse their stomachs and improve their digestive system. In addition, they found that water therapy increases energy levels and stimulates weight loss.

It is recommended to drink water in the first few minutes after waking up. For the Japanese, the first few hours of the morning are considered to be the “golden hours”. They consider that, in this part of the day, water consumption considerably improves the activity of the digestive system and the general state of health.

What is weight loss therapy?

The movement completes the therapy with water for weight loss

Although the name of this therapy seems complicated or suggests that it is something very restrictive, this is not the case at all.

Water weight loss therapy has some basic rules or steps that are easy to follow. Here are these:

  • As soon as you wake up, drink between 400 and 600 ml of plain water. It is important to do this before eating. In total, the amount of water mentioned is the equivalent of 2-3 glasses. It is best to keep this liquid warm or at room temperature on cold mornings. If you want more flavor, you can add fresh lemon juice, but do not use sweeteners.
  • Brush your teeth and wait between 45 minutes and an hour before eating. Don’t worry if you are very hungry when you wake up. The water you drink will help you feel full, so you can postpone breakfast for at least three quarters of an hour.
  • It serves a light but complete breakfast, which provides you with all the necessary nutrients. It is important to start your day right and serve natural, organic and high quality food. Avoid processed products, meat and fat sources. Good options are smoothies or salads, but you can also opt for a combination of oats, lignified nuts and milk.
  • The other meals should also be light so that the water therapy for weight loss will work.
  • For two hours after a meal, avoid liquids. But make sure you drink the two liters of water recommended daily.

General tips for weight loss water therapy

Woman trying water therapy for weight loss
  • To facilitate hydration of the body, you can add a pinch of salt to the water. But be careful if salt is a problematic food for you. Obviously, if your doctor has recommended a low-sodium diet, do not resort to this trick. Your body will absorb all the water it needs.
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol and any irritants. Because the purpose of water therapy is to make your body healthier, it will be more vulnerable to the negative effects of harmful products. To protect yourself, say no to the mentioned drinks for a period of time. If you want to drink something more flavorful, opt for green smoothies or natural fruit juices, but only in small quantities.

People who suffer from certain medical problems that involve poor dietary control should try weight loss water therapy only after consulting a doctor.

Did you know about this interesting therapy? Have you ever tried it? What results did you get?

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