4 Solutions To Clean The Washing Machine

Properly covered, it will withstand a great deal of adverse conditions. Discover 4 tricks for its cleaning and maintenance. 
4 solutions to clean the washing machine

The washing machine is one of the most commonly used appliances in the household. If it is not taken care of properly, it will not work as it should, and the clothes will suffer. To avoid this problem, use solutions to clean the washing machine.

Being frequently exposed to moisture, it is normal for mold or detergent to accumulate inside. Although at first these deposits can be ignored, over time they turn into a serious problem, imprinting an unpleasant odor on clothes.

Periodic disinfection and cleaning of the washing machine helps you to avoid these inconveniences, but also to ensure the proper functioning of all its components.

Fortunately, there are some solutions to clean the washing machine based on natural ingredients. In the following we offer you 4 of the best tricks for caring for this appliance.

Solutions for cleaning the washing machine

1. General cleaning of the washing machine

Solutions to clean the washing machine with detergent

The mixture of hot water and apple cider vinegar is one of the best solutions for cleaning the washing machine. It removes bacteria and mold and removes difficult stains.

It is good to use this treatment at least once a month to prevent the deposition of mold and the formation of unpleasant odors.


  • Hot water
  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar


  • Fill the washing machine with hot water, add the apple cider vinegar and start it, selecting a short washing cycle.
  • Finally, open the lid and let it air for an hour.

2. Cleaning the filter

The washing machine filter is located inside the tub. This is the hardest part to clean and requires special attention. In this case, it is not so important the product used, but the proper cleaning of the filter and the removal of residues trapped in it.


  • Unplug the washing machine, make sure it is empty, then remove the filter cover.
  • Unscrew it to completely detach it.
  • Remove fibers, paper, dirt, or any foreign objects from the filter.
  • Using a screwdriver, rotate the turbine to clean the waste trapped inside.
  • Reinstall the filter and secure it well before using the machine to prevent water leaks.

3. Cleaning the rubber gasket

Solutions to clean the washing machine from mold

Mold and odors can be emitted from the rubber gasket, as it retains moisture. Although you wipe this area after each wash, there is always a little moisture left which causes problems sooner or later.

To eliminate bacteria and mold we can use the antiseptic properties of hydrogen peroxide and lemon.


  • 750 ml of water
  • ¼ cup of lemon juice
  • 1 cup hydrogen peroxide


  • Squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon and add it to a bucket, along with plain water and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Carefully analyze the way the gasket is placed, to know how to reinstall it.
  • Spray the disinfectant solution with lemon on the moldy areas and wipe with a sponge.
  • Clean the gasket all around to completely remove mold.
  • Before replacing the gasket, spray the solution once more and wipe with a clean cloth.

4. Cleaning the drawers for detergent and conditioner

Solutions to clean the washing machine with baking soda

Many residues accumulate in the detergent and conditioner drawers, especially if you use powder detergent.

Cleaning them is as simple as it is necessary, as the substances that adhere to these components can decompose, causing unpleasant odors.


  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 quarter of a liter of hot water


  • Dilute the vinegar in hot water.
  • Wipe the drawers well and let them soak in the prepared solution for 10 minutes.
  • Wipe them and dry them.
  • If these drawers cannot be removed in the case of your washing machine, spray the solution on them and rub them with a sponge.

How often should you use solutions to clean the washing machine?

It is important to remember that you must clean the washing machine according to the above instructions at least every two months, as dirt and mold build up very quickly.

In addition, after each use of the machine, it is advisable to leave the lid open to ventilate it.

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