Sleeping On A Full Or Empty Stomach?

As in many other cases, extremes are harmful to the body, so it is not recommended to sleep on an empty stomach, nor with food cravings and a full stomach. 
Sleeping on a full or empty stomach?

Some people think that 

What you need to know about sleeping on an empty stomach

Many people think that if they go to bed without eating, they will lose weight, but this will not happen. Good sleep is conditioned by food. There is nothing worse than waking up because of the noises your stomach makes .

This misconception is based on the assumption that ” no matter what you eat in the evening, you will gain weight. That’s why some people think it’s better to go to bed without eating. Although the acute feeling of hunger will make you devour everything you have in the fridge in the morning or to fragment your sleep, to wake up in the middle of the night for a late snack.

Most of the time the night snack  will probably be unhealthy, because instead of eating an apple, you will fill your stomach with leftover food from other meals or something fried.


The way your body and stomach work shows you the best habits when it comes to dinner and how it affects your sleep. If you go to bed hungry or without food, you will certainly not be able to close your eyes all night or your sleep will not be restful. Therefore, the next day you will not feel too well, especially if the situation is repeated daily.

Don’t sleep on an empty stomach

Thus, it is known that excesses are not good. It is said that it  is good to eat in the evening and it should take a few hours from dinner to bedtime, so as not to affect our sleep.  If you don’t have time for dinner, don’t make the mistake of giving it up. Eat something light, such as soup, yogurt with cereal, tea with toast, etc. But under no circumstances should you go to bed on an empty stomach for your sleep to be good.

According to studies, it is necessary to spend at least an hour and a half from dinner to bed. During this time you can wash the dishes, read, study, watch TV (but not too much), talk to the family, clean, prepare the outfit for the next day, etc. A dinner rich in carbohydrates and low in protein is suitable. Avoid saturated fats because they make digestion difficult, cause bloating and discomfort when trying to fall asleep.

Deep sleep

Sleeping on an empty stomach causes insomnia

When you come home late from work or school, you’re probably wondering if you should have dinner or if it’s better to skip it and go straight to bed. He still eats something light, but never goes to bed on an empty stomach. Scientific studies show that it can cause insomnia or muscle problems.

The feeling of hunger keeps your brain alert. When you do not get enough sleep, your metabolism is reduced and the level of ghrelin increases  . This is a hormone that stimulates the appetite and makes you wake up and eat more, regardless of the amount and type of food.

If you go to bed hungry or without food, you will sleep less and have problems if you want to increase your muscle mass. If your body is deprived of nutrients for a longer period of time, you will lack energy muscles. If you want to lose weight, it is not a good idea to sit on an empty stomach, to skip meals.

Sleep at night

Sleeping on a full stomach: disadvantages

However, some people eat a lot at dinner and then go to bed feeling 5 kg fatter. If you eat too much, the food accumulates in the stomach, an organ responsible for the secretion of enzymes and acids necessary for digestion. The blood is concentrated in this part of the body and will make you drowsy. Before going to bed, watch TV or read something.

If you have a hearty dinner and then go to bed immediately, you will gain weight and various gastric problems may occur  , such as acidity. You will have heartburn, you will sleep harder and you will have nightmares, etc. But don’t forget that dinner, in itself, is what makes you fat.

It depends on how much you eat and what you eat in the evening.  Nutritionists believe that we should not eat carbohydrates for at least 4 hours before going to bed and wait at least 2 hours after dinner before going to bed.

Don’t sleep after dinner

Metabolism is slower at night. Digestion takes longer. Due to the fact that food begins to ferment in the intestines, gases arise. It is necessary to rest after dinner, but do not sleep. Sit comfortably on a couch and have a conversation, read or watch TV before bed.

Wrapped sleep

Experts believe that  it is not bad to take a bath after a meal as long as it is not prolonged and the water is not too hot. But it is forbidden to swim, because the blood flow is concentrated differently in the lower and upper organs. That’s why cramps can occur.

If you go to bed immediately after dinner you are more at risk of suffering from gastric reflux. Especially if you ate more or if the food was high in fat and high in calories. You will fall asleep harder or have trouble sleeping. In the evening it is  better to eat especially fruits and vegetables and to give up sugar, dried fruits and flour .

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