7 Foods Against Hair Loss

Does your hair fall out in excess? Don’t include these foods in your daily diet? Once you find out what benefits they offer, do not hesitate to start consuming them regularly to have a richer hair ornament.
7 foods against hair loss

There are many factors that can influence excessive hair loss. What many people do not realize is that sometimes the loss of hair adornment occurs due to certain nutritional deficiencies. Although it is possible to focus more on external treatments, hair requires certain ingredients to be healthy. For this reason, as a supplement to topical products for alopecia, it is necessary to include in your diet foods against hair loss.

If you notice that lately you are losing more hair than normal (over 100 daily), consume daily the foods that we will list below.

7 foods against hair loss

1. Spinach

Spinach on the food list against hair loss

This delicious green leafy vegetable is one of the most effective foods against hair loss. If you lose excess hair, do not hesitate to eat fresh or lightly cooked spinach.

  • Spinach contains iron, beta-carotene and vitamin C, nutrients needed for healthy hair growth.
  • In addition, this vegetable provides a small amount of amino acids that strengthen the hair follicles and help the hairs to grow strong and shiny.

2. Lenses

Lentils included in foods against hair loss

Lentils are one of the most complete types of legumes. It is recommended in any diet to provide the body with the nutrients and proteins it needs to function properly.

  • Lentils contain biotin and proteins that are necessary for hair health. These not only stop hair loss, but also strengthen it and prevent breakage of hair.
  • This legume is also a wonderful source of iron, a mineral that keeps hair loss under control and fights anemia.

3. Fatty fish

Fatty fish in the food group against hair loss

Salmon, tuna and other fatty fish contain large amounts of omega 3 fatty acids and high biological value proteins that improve hair health.

  • Consumption of fatty fish at least twice a week prevents the loss of natural oils from the scalp and stimulates hair growth.
  • Some fish species also contain selenium, a key ingredient in preventing hair loss.
  • Fatty fish contains antioxidants, which fight against the action of free radicals and reduce the weakening of hair roots.

4. Oats

Oat in the form of flakes

Oats occupy a very important place on the list of foods against hair loss. Oatmeal not only improves digestion, but is also used in beauty treatments and contains significant amounts of vitamin B and minerals.

  • The nutrients in oats strengthen the hair and fight against hair loss.
  • In addition, the amino acids in oats increase the health of hair follicles and the growth of a healthy and strong hair ornament.

5. Pumpkin

Pumpkin pie

Pumpkin is famous in the world of gastronomy. It is a very versatile and economical ingredient that can be included in a balanced diet in many ways.

  • It is ideal for hair health thanks to its content of vitamin E, an antioxidant nutrient that reduces damage caused by toxins and sun exposure. This vitamin is absorbed by the roots and helps to grow new hair.
  • It also contains vitamin C and essential fatty acids, which help regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, preventing excessive drying and hair loss.
  • In addition, pumpkin contains minerals such as potassium and zinc, which stimulate blood circulation to the scalp and collagen synthesis.

6 eggs

Raw eggs against hair loss

Eggs are among the most recommended foods against hair loss. Although the use of raw eggs in hair masks has many benefits, you can also enjoy positive effects if you choose to eat this healthy food.

  • Proteins with high biological value from eggs help to form strong and shiny hairs.
  • In addition, the nutrients contained in the eggs repair the damage to the hair follicles and prevent excessive drying and hair loss.
  • Eggs also contain large amounts of B-complex vitamins, which play an important role in healthy hair growth.

7. Nuts

Nuts on the list of foods against hair loss

Romanian walnuts, almonds and other types of nuts contain essential amino acids and minerals that offer multiple benefits for the hair.

  • Walnuts provide you with zinc, selenium and magnesium, elements that reduce the weakening of hair follicles and accelerate hair growth.
  • In addition, the fatty acids in walnuts help maintain normal oil production on the scalp, which prevents excessive dryness.
  • The omega 3 and omega 6 content of walnuts is ideal for eliminating inflammation of hair follicles and treating circulatory problems.

Does your hair fall out in excess? Haven’t you included these foods in your daily diet yet? Stop thinking! And don’t forget: in order to control hair loss, it is necessary to adopt a correct ritual of washing and caring for it.

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