Colors That Influence Feelings

Although the effect of colors on us cannot be controlled, each person has his or her favorite colors that he or she must use in daily life to create a state of well-being. 
Colors that influence feelings

There are certain colors that influence the mood. Therefore, it is very useful to understand how color psychology works. In this way, we can create an intimate space in which to live and work harder.

Each person has a favorite color. In addition, although we cannot fully explain this phenomenon, certain nuances attract and define us. 

In today’s article we want to present you a summary of an interesting study conducted by psychologist and sociologist Eva Heller. In her book entitled The Psychology of Colors, the  author investigates the intimate connection between colors and the feelings they arouse in us.

Therefore, we invite you to find out more about this interesting topic in the lines below. You will discover new things about your own personality.

Color psychology: colors that influence feelings

To many people, it seems unbelievable that, in reality, colors can reflect certain personality traits or change our mood.

For this reason, psychologist Eva Heller of the Free University of Berlin conducted a detailed study in which she analyzed the responses and behavior of 2,000 people about certain colors and the feelings they provoke.

Through this study, the woman was able to show that certain associations are not accidental, but are in fact universal experiences related to our ancestors, childhood, language and our thoughts.

Given all these aspects, we could say that the  effects of colors on us are innate. Let’s give you an example. No one could work or relax in a room with black or red walls. On the other hand, if the walls are painted green, white or blue, the effect of the room is a positive one.

We offer you more details in the rows below, where you will find information about some colors that influence our daily lives.


The study conducted by Dr. Heller over several years shows that blue is the favorite color of most people, followed by green.

It is considered that there are 111 shades of blue. Blue symbolizes compassion, harmony and spiritual and divine qualities. It offers a feeling of distance, but also of fantasy.

It is a symbol of intelligence and has both feminine and masculine valences.


Green is, without a doubt, one of the most beloved and interesting colors. It symbolizes hope, fertility, life and health. That is why green is a color with very strong effects.

It is also associated with the early stages of life, because it is a very energizing shade that leads to the thought of freedom and remarkable strength.

Many people have two or three favorite colors


You probably already know what this color symbolizes for most people. Yes, red is passion, but also hatred. 

There are 105 shades of red. Since antiquity, this color has been associated with the upper classes. That is why it is attributed to wealth. Red is a dynamic color that encourages the most intense activities.

Here is an interesting fact about the color red: according to studies conducted by Dr. Heller, red is the color that animals like the least.


Analyzes carried out over several years show that yellow is one of the most contradictory colors that influences mood. People see it as a bright color, but it is also associated with betrayal. It symbolizes maturity and sensual love. 

Yellow is considered a very optimistic color, which invites you to work, read, write and create, in general.


Purple is, without a doubt, one of the most interesting colors that positively influences the condition of those who wear it or are surrounded by it. It is associated with magic and femininity. In addition, purple symbolizes power, but also solidarity and respect.

Orange is one of the most underrated colors


Even though orange is closely related to Buddhist culture, color psychologists say it is a rather underestimated color. This is because orange is ideal in situations where you want to encourage social contact and understanding between people.

In addition, orange attracts light and is fun, pleasant and energizing.


We can already guess what this color might suggest: delicacy, lovely things, kindness and erotic tenderness.

In addition, we must mention that pink is a suitable color for home decoration, as it is relaxing and expresses hope and creativity. The combination of pink with other colors certainly offers a touch of originality.


White is associated with goodness, spirituality, new beginnings, purity and innocence.


Clothing designers love this color. Black gives our outfits a touch of elegance.

Although we are not sure if we can consider black a color (it is not bright, like the ones above), our instinct is to still give it a negative dimension.

Fashion aside, black is associated with the end, death and violence.

As you have already noticed, this topic is extremely interesting.

It is true that we all have a “favorite color”. In fact, we even have between two and three favorites. Do not hesitate to use yours if it gives you a feeling of well-being.

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