Calcium-rich Seeds For Daily Consumption

Did you know that there are certain foods with a higher calcium content than milk? Sesame seeds are not only rich in calcium and iron, but also in vitamins and polyunsaturated fats.
Calcium-rich seeds for daily consumption

Did you know that there are many calcium-rich seeds? Most people believe that dairy products are the only source of calcium we have. But is dairy calcium so beneficial to the body?

Nutritionists claim that these foods do not contain enough magnesium, which is why the calcium they provide us does not attach to the bones properly. In addition, we must not forget that many people suffer from lactose intolerance, because the human body often has difficulty processing this animal nutrient.

But what can we do to meet our daily calcium needs? Women need extra doses of calcium for bone care.

To give you a helping hand, in the following we will present you an alternative source that you have probably never considered before: calcium-rich seeds.

6 types of calcium-rich seeds

1. Wild mustard seeds

Seeds rich in mustard calcium

Wild mustard seeds can be purchased from any plafar. These calcium-rich seeds are high in minerals. Anyone can consume them. It does not cause any unwanted side effects.

  • Wild mustard seeds are rich in vitamins, tannins and antioxidants.
  • To consume them, boil them for 10 minutes. Wild mustard seeds have a pleasant taste and can be used to prepare infusions or season all kinds of dishes. In fact, these seeds are often eaten in mustard paste.
  • They can be used to treat sore throats, such as infections or voice loss.

2. Sesame seeds

Calcium-rich sesame seeds

In terms of content, sesame seeds are in second place on our list of calcium-rich seeds. In order to take advantage of all the benefits that these seeds offer, consume them only raw.

  • Sesame seeds are rich in calcium and iron. Do not let their size mislead you, because these seeds are a natural source of vitamins and minerals, which you can consume without hesitation every day.
  • They are rich in protein, polyunsaturated fats and other nutrients.
  • You can use them as a spice when preparing a salad or any dish, but don’t forget: eat them raw, don’t cook them!

3. Chia seeds

Chia seeds

This is not the first time we have talked to you about the health benefits of chia seeds. These seeds are truly incredible! Here’s why:

  • Chia seeds are a natural source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients essential to the human body.
  • Chia seeds are usually considered a “superfood” because they provide us with large amounts of energy, plant nutrients, protein and fatty acids that we need every day. Moreover, chia seeds do not fatten!
  • You can include chia seeds in any drink you want. They are an excellent source of calcium that you should not ignore.

4. Flax seeds

Calcium-rich seeds mixed with yogurt

Do you have flax seeds in the house? If not, don’t hesitate to run to the nearest plafar and buy a bag. These seeds are rich in calcium, which will strengthen your bones. Flax seeds will also protect you from excess pounds.

  • Flax seeds are rich in fiber and vitamins.
  • They can be used to fight inflammation and fluid retention.
  • They can take care of the skin, strengthen the hair and improve the health of the nails.
  • You can combine them with yogurts, smoothies or even salads. If you like to make cakes, bread or pastries, do not hesitate to use flax seeds as an ingredient. You’ll love it!

5. Lotus seeds

Lotus seeds

Have you ever heard of lotus seeds? They are an excellent and tasty food, rich in calcium.

  • Lotus seeds have anti-aging properties.
  • They are a source of protein, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.
  • They are effective against “bad” cholesterol and are rich in trace elements, including iron and zinc.
  • Oriental medicine considers this food to have incredible healing properties, especially when it comes to treating bone or heart problems.
  • In order to have access to all these benefits, cook 100 g of lotus seeds for 20 minutes, then eat them as if they were almonds: despite their slightly bitter taste, they are very healthy.

6. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower-rich calcium seeds

How many sunflower seeds do you consume daily? We advise you that your daily intake should be one or two tablespoons, ie 20-40 g. Do not forget that the best way to take advantage of the calcium content of sunflower seeds is to eat them raw and dried. Do not add salt, as this ingredient can negatively affect your health, despite the incredible taste it offers.

Do you know the benefits of consuming sunflower seeds? Remember:

  • They are rich in fatty acids.
  • They are rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and more.
  • They can improve blood circulation.
  • Being rich in potassium and magnesium, they are an ideal food when you are, for example, tired or stressed.
  • The rich phosphorus and magnesium content of these seeds is very useful for brain care.
  • Sunflower seeds contain a large amount of folic acid.
  • They strengthen the immune system.
  • Did you know that these seeds are also an incredible source of vitamin B1? Thanks to this, you can use them to prevent fatigue and calm your nerves. In addition, they taste absolutely delicious!

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