Intermittent Fasting Helps To Lose Weight And Improve Health

Some ways to lose weight are not dangerous, but on the contrary, they offer many health benefits. One of them is intermittent fasting. This method is simple, but the basic element is discipline.
Intermittent fasting helps to lose weight and improve health

You may have heard by now that intermittent fasting helps to lose weight, but do you know what this method is? First of all, the word “fasting” should not scare you or awaken in your mind the idea of ​​sacrifice, suffering and hunger. Intermittent fasting involves the different organization of daily meals, so that the digestive system has a longer rest break. In this way, other functions of the body are improved, such as those that facilitate sleep and weight loss.

Read on to find out what intermittent fasting is and how it helps you lose weight and improve your health.

Intermittent fasting helps to lose weight, but it is not a cure

Intermittent fasting has nothing to do with starvation or calorie counting. This method consists of eating healthy and smart. This way, you will have a normal weight without obsessively caring about your diet.

Intermittent fasting consists of prolonging the period of food abstinence between dinner and breakfast to improve the body’s natural ability to regenerate and lose weight. Thus, you must serve dinner earlier and breakfast later than usual. But this organization depends on many factors, such as your lifestyle, the schedule and habits of the whole family, work, etc.

The most important thing is not to eat any solid food for at least 12 hours. Ideally, the black fast should last as long as 18 hours. You do not have to follow this schedule every day, but at least a few times a week.

What is the meal schedule?

Meal program through which intermittent fasting helps to lose weight


Some nutritionists recommend those who want to practice intermittent fasting to skip breakfast or dinner. This practice can be adopted occasionally, if you are not too hungry.

If you are a beginner, you can practice intermittent fasting after the following schedule: 

  • Breakfast: 9:00
  • Lunch: 2 p.m.
  • Dinner: before 21:00

Looking over this program, some people may be surprised to find that they are already fasting without realizing it. But others make certain mistakes, eat dinner too late or eat at night.

In the first option, the fast lasts 12 hours.


For those who have often fasted for 12 hours without any problems, we recommend the following program:

  • Breakfast: 11:00
  • Lunch: 3 p.m.
  • Dinner: before 19:00

With this option, you can test how your body reacts to a 16- hour fast . The longer the night fast, the less hungry you may be in the morning.

If you want to extend the period of abstinence from food, you can combine breakfast with lunch or lunch with dinner.

How to proceed?

Healthy foods with which intermittent fasting helps to lose weight

Intermittent fasting helps to lose weight, but it is important to take the opportunity to eat healthier. Choose nutritious and filling foods and give up those that are low in nutrients.

Recommended foods

  • Premium vegetable oils, such as coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil, etc.
  • Legume
  • Eggs
  • NUTS
  • seed
  • Avocado
  • Oat
  • Buckwheat
  • Quinoa

“Forbidden” foods

  • Refined flour (pastries, biscuits, wheat bread)
  • White sugar
  • Ice cream and other dairy desserts
  • Fry
  • Processed meat
  • precooked
  • Sour juices
  • Fast food

Tips for an effective intermittent job

Intermittent fasting helps to lose weight if you drink a lot of water

Here are some tips to ensure the efficiency of the intermittent job:

  • Drink plenty of water during the day, between meals and especially during food abstinence. Many times, you think you are hungry, but you are just dehydrated.
  • Don’t starve. Eat to your heart’s content, but opt ​​for healthy foods.
  • During the hours when you do not eat, you can drink medicinal teas.
  • Chew the food well and enjoy each meal. Try new recipes and enjoy the dishes served.
  • A good idea would be to start fasting on a day off. This way, you can sleep until later, and the period when you do not eat will not seem so long.
  • Do not prolong the duration of the fast on too many days when you have a lot of work, you have to drive or you have to do something that requires maximum attention.

From the first time you start practicing intermittent fasting, you will feel full of energy, the bloating will disappear and you will feel your body easier. When you notice on your own that intermittent fasting helps to lose weight and improves your health, you will find the motivation to continue without feeling that you are making a special effort.

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