The Best Quick Remedies For Bruises

To get rid of bruises, you can confidently resort to various simple and effective natural remedies, which take effect in a short time. 
The best quick remedies for bruising

In this article we present you the best and quick remedies for bruises. A bruise, contusion or bruise is the result of a blow that caused a blood clot to form. Small blood vessels under the skin can be very painful if hit. 

The medical term used for bruising is “hematoma”. It can develop in muscle or even bone tissue.

The characteristics of bruises

It can take several weeks for a bruise to heal and disappear. Some people are more prone to bruising than others. During the healing process, the bruise changes color. At first, it has a reddish tint, then it acquires a purple or bluish hue, and finally it becomes greenish or yellow, after which it disappears.

The degree of bruising depends on the age or sensitivity of the skin of each individual. Older people or those with very white skin are bruised more easily, because their blood vessels are more fragile and their skin is more sensitive to bumps and scratches.

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The symptoms of a “typical” bruise are: pain in that area (especially when touched) and inflammation. They are not serious if they are very small or if they heal over time. But if you experience symptoms such as nausea or dizziness, consult a doctor immediately. Injuries or blows to the head or eyes must be treated urgently.

A bruise occurs when we hit a hard object, fall while walking, or collide with a piece of furniture (most commonly). But, as we have already mentioned, the intensity needed to bleach the skin depends on the age and fragility of each person’s skin.

At older ages, bruises can also occur in the absence of a blow. This is also true for weightlifting athletes due to the intense strain on the muscles.

The administration of blood-thinning drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, arthritis pills or anti-inflammatory agents) can alter the natural clotting process of the blood, causing more bruising than normal. People who suffer from hemophilia or cirrhosis are bruised more often and more easily.

Quick remedies for bruising on the arms

Women may be more prone to bruising than men if they wear thinner clothes, wax their hair, or play more active sports.

Whatever the cause of their appearance, read on for quick bruise remedies you can use when you need them.

Quick remedies for bruising

  • Immediately after hitting, apply a cold compress or ice to the affected area. You can, for example, use a bag of frozen peas from the freezer.
  • Soak a piece of cotton wool in cold apple cider vinegar and apply it on the bruise, pressing lightly (not too hard, as it can be painful).
  • Pass a few fresh almond leaves and add a little water to form a paste – this can prevent bruising. Apply it on the affected area.
Quick remedies for bruises caused by blows
  • Immediately after hitting yourself, apply a cold piece of red meat to the affected area to relieve pain and reduce the likelihood of bruising.
  • Make a paste of chopped parsley and a little butter. Grease the affected area with this mixture.
  • Put an arnica compress on the bruise. All you have to do is boil a handful of arnica leaves for 15 minutes.
  • Clean and grate a few apples and apply them directly to the skin or cut them into pieces and wrap them in a thin gauze, then apply them on the affected area. This is one of the best quick fixes for bruising.
  • Fry a few pieces of onions in a pan, then wrap them in gauze. Apply this compress on the bruise and leave it on for a few hours.
Quick remedies for bruising in children

Other quick bruises easy to use

  • Add 20 grams of crushed marigold petals in half a liter of water, boil everything for a few minutes, then let the liquid stand for 15 minutes. Take a cloth (preferably made of cotton) and moisten it with tea, then apply it on the bruise as a compress.
  • Prepare an infusion of 25 g of witch hazel leaves and half a liter of water, boil everything for 15 minutes and let the liquid cool. Soak a cloth in the infusion and apply it on the bruise, leaving the liquid to cool on the skin.
  • Dissolve 10 drops of immortelle essential oil (a plant) in a tablespoon of almond oil. Apply this mixture on the bruise with a piece of cotton wool soaked in hot water. Let the remedy work overnight.
  • Put three tablespoons of salt on a cotton cloth, fold it well and soak it in a bowl of warm water. Apply this compress on the affected area about eight hours after the blow.
  • Mix the juice of a lemon with a tablespoon of salt. Soak a cloth in this mixture and massage the bruised area for a few minutes.
Quick remedies for bruises on the feet
  • Add a handful of anise leaves to a cup of boiling water. Cover the bowl and apply a cotton bandage to apply to the affected area. Change the dressing often.
  • Put a handful of dried rhubarb leaves in a bowl, then cover them with 250 ml of almond oil. Let them soak for 15 days (stirring once a day), then strain the liquid. Melt 25 g of beeswax in this mixture, then add the gel of two vitamin E capsules. Store the remedy in the refrigerator and when you have a bruise, apply it directly on it.

We hope you found this article about the best quick remedies for bruises  interesting and useful!

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