10 Natural Laxatives For Constipation

Apples contain a large amount of pectins that help the digestive process naturally. They even treat cases of constipation and diarrhea.
10 natural laxatives for constipation

If you are having trouble removing waste from your body, it is good to know which are the best natural laxatives for constipation. Our diet should always include foods high in fiber, but also yogurt, foods that keep the intestinal flora healthy.

Natural laxatives are foods or plants that help cleanse the intestines. It is important to differentiate between natural and chemical laxatives. The latter are stronger, but can also have side effects.

Types of natural laxatives

If we take into account how it works inside the body, natural laxatives can fall into the following categories:


These laxatives are also called purgatives and are considered stimulants because they act as a muscle. They have certain components that work in the colon to boost defecation. At the same time, stimulant laxatives act on the intestinal walls to stimulate the production of minerals and fluids and to prevent the intestines from absorbing sodium and chlorine.

Negative side effects are based only on the time it takes stimulants to act in the body. Once ingested, they can act for up to 8 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to take laxatives before going to bed.

Natural laxatives for constipation that help you go to the bathroom


Mechanical laxatives have a high fiber content that gives volume to the residue, retains water and moisturizes the intestinal walls. They stimulate peristalsis, which is why you will feel the need to go to the bathroom.

In addition, mechanical laxatives contain both soluble and insoluble fibers. They are much gentler than stimulant laxatives and are recommended in less severe cases of constipation. We recommend that you also consume probiotics, such as yogurt, in addition to these treatments.


Osmotic laxatives work by increasing the amount of water in the intestines, making the stool softer. They are similar to mechanical ones, because they contain many minerals and force the body to evacuate all feces from the intestines. An example of osmotic laxatives is cherries. Their effects are strong and you need large amounts of water and isotonic drinks to rehydrate your body.

Natural laxatives for constipation fall into several categories

What are the best natural laxatives for constipation

The mildest natural laxatives for constipation are mechanical. Here are some examples:

Apple juice and olive oil

Mix half a cup of apple juice and half a cup of olive oil. Drink this mixture before going to bed.

Cherries and honey

Boil a cup of water. Add six cherries. Take the pot off the heat and leave it covered overnight. In the morning, strain and add a tablespoon of honey. Consume during the day. Cherries can be eaten.

Aloe vera

Cut an aloe vera leaf. Add it to a pot of water that you have boiled. When it has cooled, put it unscrewed in the fridge in a jar with an airtight lid. It can be consumed only twice a week. This type of laxative is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, nor for people taking anticoagulant treatments.

Aloe vera is one of the best natural laxatives for constipation

Grape juice and flax seeds

Squeeze a few grapes until you get about a cup of juice and add a tablespoon of flaxseed powder. Take the remedy in the morning, only once a week.

Castor oil

Castor oil is one of the best natural external laxatives. Take a towel or gauze and soak it in castor oil. Heat it over a heat source. Place this heated part on the lumbar region and cover it to stay warm longer. Apply once a day. We do not recommend consuming or swallowing castor oil.

Foods that act as natural laxatives

In addition to aloe and cherries, there are also natural laxatives for constipation. But before taking any treatment, we advise you to find out the cause of your digestive problems. We can talk about constipation when a person “goes” to the toilet less than three times a week or when his stool is hard and dry.

It is normal to have digestive problems if you have an unhealthy diet. Lack of exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, dehydration, fats and refined flour can cause constipation. If you want to have a healthy digestive system, then you need to change your lifestyle a little. Here are some recommended foods:

Plantain bananas

Plantain bananas, native to India, have a lot of fiber that helps you go to the toilet. They absorb water, give volume to the stool and stimulate peristalsis.

The apples

Both red and green apples contain pectins. They stimulate the intestinal transit, soften the stool (due to the fiber content) and help you go to the toilet. It is good to serve an apple a day or have a snack of these fruits after dinner. We recommend eating raw or dried apples with a portion of cherries.

Apples are among the best natural laxatives for constipation


Rich in fiber and potassium, bananas are among the best natural laxatives for constipation. A banana contains 12% of the recommended daily dose of fiber. This fruit also contains oligosaccharides, which go directly into the intestines and facilitate digestion and defecation.


Onions should not be missing from our diet. It gives good taste to food and protects our body from diseases, pathogens or other diseases. Onions are also very good laxatives. When you eat fresh vegetables, the body produces gastric acid and stimulates the intestinal flora. The presence of quinine stimulates the metabolism of the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines.

We recommend that you try these natural remedies before trying other treatments for constipation.

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