6 Natural Remedies For Swollen Hands

When your hands are swollen, blood cannot flow normally. This painful problem prevents you from carrying out your daily activities.
6 natural remedies for swollen hands

There are several reasons why we may have swollen hands. The causes range from a stroke, a circulatory problem, arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome to a simple insect sting. In today’s article, we recommend several natural remedies for swollen hands, regardless of the fact that this discomfort is due. 

Natural remedies for swollen hands

Our ancestors probably knew many natural remedies for swollen hands, whether they were caused by an injury caused during a sport, or by poor blood circulation, allergies, insect bites, stroke, arthritis and more.

When your hands are swollen, blood cannot flow normally. This painful problem prevents you from carrying out your daily activities. That is why it is good to always have one of the following treatments at hand:

Lavender, great for hands

Lavender is not only a very beautiful plant, thanks to its wonderful color, but also has many medicinal properties, being one of the best natural remedies for swollen hands. This plant:

  • It is relaxing;
  • Strengthens the nervous system;
  • Fights spasms;
  • It has antibacterial action;
  • It is a natural analgesic;
  • It acts as an antiseptic.

Lavender also improves your mood, being a natural antidepressant. For swollen hands, use a lavender compress using the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup of dried lavender flowers
  • ½ cup of dried and crushed sage
  • 2 cups water (400 ml)
  • 8 drops of lavender essential oil
Natural remedies for swollen hands such as lavender oil

Method of preparation

Add the water, flowers and sage in a saucepan and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the liquid into another bowl and allow to cool. Add the lavender essential oil and mix well. Apply this mixture on the swollen hand using a cotton cloth.

The plants used can be wrapped in a towel to put on the affected area while you press to release the liquid.

Another option is to take a relaxing bath or just soak your hands in a smaller bowl. You need:

  • 3 tablespoons dried lavender leaves
  • 1 ½ cup of milk
  • 1/3 cup honey

Crush the lavender flowers with a mixer or mortar. Mix them with milk and honey, then pour the contents into a glass bowl. Mix well before using.

If you have chosen to take a bath, add half the amount of liquid to the tub. If you just want to soften your hands, use a quarter. You can store the mixture in the refrigerator and use it for up to a week.

Lavender flowers are natural remedies for swollen hands


Ice is an excellent remedy for swelling in any area of ​​the body, but especially in the hands. It is very effective in reducing inflammation.

Make a compress with crushed ice or wrap a few ice cubes in a towel. Be careful never to apply ice directly to the skin, as it is painful. Repeat this treatment several times a day, but do not leave the compress for more than 20 consecutive minutes.


Ginger on the list of natural remedies for swollen hands

Ginger is well known for its ability to treat inflammation, being used as a natural remedy for centuries. It relieves pain, thins the blood and reduces inflammation, among other things.

Make a tea using a teaspoon of grated or ground ginger in a cup of hot water. If you want to sweeten it, add a little honey and, for a more pleasant taste, try some freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a great choice for any skin problem, being one of the most effective natural remedies for swollen hands. Some athletes use aloe vera compresses for wounds or muscle relaxation because they speed healing .

Everyone should have an aloe vera plant at home, so they can cut a leaf and use the fresh gel inside. Apply this remedy directly on the affected area, and the situation will improve immediately. Aloe vera is also effective for insect bites.


This is one of the most useful fruits for reducing hand inflammation. To relieve pain, we recommend eating pineapple every day for a week. Add it in various baked goods or in salads. Pineapple is an effective and delicious remedy.

Pineapple on the list of natural remedies for swollen hands


This remedy can be used both externally and internally. For external use, apply a compress with bright orange flowers on the affected area.

Another option is to make a tea from a handful of dried marigold flowers in a cup of hot water. After letting the plant infuse for five minutes, strain the liquid, sweeten it and enjoy both the unique taste and the wonderful benefits.

Foods that contain vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is known for its ability to reduce inflammation, especially that caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.

Foods rich in vitamin B6 are: potatoes, brown rice, green leafy vegetables (spinach, beetroot, lettuce), bananas and skinless chicken breast. Add these foods to your daily diet, incorporating them into various recipes and dishes. You will feel much better.

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