Children Are The Parents’ Reflection – Myth Or Truth?

It is very important to be clear and concise with your children. They are reflection, and we are the mirror. Our goal is to be a good example to follow. 
Are children the reflection of their parents - myth or truth?

Surely you have often heard “children are the reflection of parents.” And, after all, maybe it’s true, children are like magic sponges that instantly absorb everything they see and hear. For this reason, it is especially important that everything that happens at home is for the good education of the little ones.

Being a parent is a real challenge. You need to divide your time effectively and be careful what you say and do. Children are very vigilant, they observe and imitate everything they see, even if you don’t always realize it. And all they want is to be like you. It is vitally important for their future to be a good example, to teach them good manners and to instill solid principles in them.

The fact that young people are so similar in behavior to their parents can be a cause for concern for many. Children imitate your gestures, actions, style of speaking, and even how to interact with those around you. And this is due to the emotional connection between parents and children.

Children are the reflection of parents, so what can we do to be a good example?

1. Create an atmosphere of trust and communicate openly

Children are the reflection of their parents in a happy family

Communication is essential in the family. It creates an atmosphere of trust, which helps to develop true values ​​and self-confidence. This also strengthens the bonds between family members and relationships based on sincerity and trust.

2. Live healthy

You know, kids are the reflection of their parents. If you want your little ones to make the right choices, they need to see this for you first. If you want them to exercise and eat the vegetables on their plate, show them that these are good things that bring a lot of benefits.

And, as deeds speak more than words, stop thinking and apply everything you say. It is not enough to explain to them what is good. It is ideal to do together those things that you would like to become a habit.

3. Stop screaming

Mother screaming at baby

It is quite difficult to always be calm and to perform your duties in an exemplary manner. However, no matter how stressed and tired you are, don’t shout at your children or any other family member.

If you give in and control your frustrations, your child will understand that this is an accepted and allowed behavior. And if you correct it, it can tell you anytime that you do the same.

4. Encourage sincerity

If you want the little ones to be honest and always tell you the truth, then you must do the same. Without apologies, keep your promises. This will teach them what honesty is. In addition, it will teach them how to take on certain responsibilities.

5. Do not resort to violence

Unfortunately, children are the reflection of parents in terms of inappropriate behavior. The little ones learn bad habits the fastest. Do not use violence as a method of learning and correction. If they did something wrong, explain to them why it is not good and what is the right option.

Don’t hit them, they will most likely avoid violence in the future. They will understand much better how you can resolve conflicts without resorting to aggressive acts. Encourage communication as a way to solve problems, and your child will become a tolerant person who can see things from multiple perspectives.

6. Respect and you will be respected

Treat those around you well, avoid hasty judgments or labeling people. This way, your children will see the value of the people around them and will understand that quality relationships are based on respect.

If they answer you naughtily, stay calm, explain nicely to them that this is not a polite way to talk and that they should treat you with respect. Educate them as nicely as possible. The relationship that is building between you should be based on trust and respect. Build these values ​​together.

7. Fight for what you want

Woman who explains why children are the reflection of their parents

Being a parent does not mean that you have to give up your dreams and aspirations. Maybe it’s a little harder to get your ideas done, but it’s not impossible.

Work every day to fulfill your ideal. You will be an accomplished and fulfilled person and an example of strength and devotion for all family members.

8. Be happy

You are really happy when the little ones are with you. Show them that you love them with small gestures of pampering, caresses, hugs and telling them how much you value them. Enjoy the moments spent together and tell them how lucky you are with such a beautiful family.

When you give affection, you receive affection. The children will share these moments of pampering with you. Not only will you be happy, but so will your whole family.

9. Don’t be afraid of mistakes

Sad woman crying

You will certainly make mistakes from time to time, but you can correct small errors of judgment. This will show children the courage to admit a mistake and the responsibility to correct it.


Children are the reflection of their parents, so be a mirror in which they look at themselves with pride and responsibility.

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