A Natural Hair Straightening Cream

Although it does not act as fast as chemical treatments, the following cream will straighten your hair, nourishing it and protecting it against harmful environmental factors.
A natural hair straightening cream

Straight and shiny hair is always in fashion. If you want your hair ornament to look like this, we recommend you try the following natural hair straightening cream.

Although curls and curls can give you a unique look, straight hair can be adapted to any type of face or hairstyle. Women who do not have straight hair often resort to treatments based on chemicals or electric plates to straighten their hair and eliminate rebellious curls.

Although many stylists have invented various methods for straightening hair, these tricks do not provide lasting results and affect the health and appearance of the hair ornament. Because these methods are aggressive, they cause the hair to lose its natural oils, making it more brittle.

The good news is that we have many natural alternatives for straightening hair, which are beneficial for hair adornment and do not cause damage.

In today’s article we invite you to discover a natural hair straightening cream. Most likely, you already have the necessary ingredients in the kitchen.

Read on to find out how you can always have straight and silky hair!

Straightening hair naturally

To prepare the next natural hair straightening cream, you need coconut milk, lemon juice, olive oil and a little cornstarch.

The above ingredients have natural moisturizing and revitalizing properties, being useful to keep curly hair and rebellious curls in check, so that you get a perfectly straight hair.

Although this cream does not work as fast as chemical treatments or electrical plates, you will start to notice results after a few applications. The main benefits of the cream are due to coconut milk, a product obtained by passing the coconut pulp.

Coconut milk has a significant content of medium chain fatty acids and quality protein. These nutrients repair damaged hair and retain its natural moisture.

Natural hair straightening cream with olive oil

Olive oil and lemon juice nourish and strengthen the hair roots, preventing them from falling out. Moreover, these ingredients help you to have silky hair and easy to style.

The omega-3 fatty acids in olive oil and the antioxidants contained in lemon juice protect the hair ornament against oxidative stress and heat degradation.

Corn starch acts as a natural conditioner, being ideal for straightening curly hair. The continuous application of this ingredient amplifies the beneficial effects of coconut milk, strengthening the hair without degrading it.

How to prepare this natural hair straightening cream?

Coconut milk in a natural hair straightening cream

To prepare the next natural cream, we advise you to use 100% organic ingredients, so as to make sure that they will have a beneficial effect on your hair.

The necessary ingredients can be purchased in various forms, but some varieties have been refined, a process that has altered their quality. If possible, prepare coconut milk at home and make sure that the olive oil you buy is extra virgin.


  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch

Method of preparation

  • To make coconut milk, extract the white pulp of the fruit and process it with a food processor together with a cup of cold water.
  • Strain the liquid. Use the milk obtained to prepare the cream and keep the remaining flour for other recipes.
  • Pour the liquid into a bowl and put it in a bain-marie together with the olive oil, lemon juice and cornstarch.
  • Let the mixture heat for a few minutes, until it gets a creamy texture.
  • Pour the cream obtained into a glass container and let it sit for a while before using it.

Application method

  • Take a large amount of cream and massage it into the hair and scalp for five minutes.
  • Make sure you apply the cream all over your hair and scalp, then cover your head with a shower cap and let the cream work for 45 minutes.
  • Heat a damp towel and wrap it around your head to increase the effectiveness of the cream.
  • After the indicated interval has elapsed, rinse as usual and comb your hair while it is wet.
  • Apply this treatment three times a week.

Remember, the effects of this hair straightening cream depend on the type of hair and how often you apply it. If you include it in your daily beauty routine, the desired results will not be long in coming.

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