Smoothie With Avocado For Weight Loss And Muscles

This avocado smoothie is an excellent source of healthy fats that help you lose weight, while stimulating muscle growth if accompanied by exercise. Try it too!
Avocado smoothie for weight loss and muscle building

If you want to lose weight without starving yourself and to develop your muscle mass much easier, we recommend this avocado smoothie. It is a drink rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, healthy fats and fiber.

We show you below how to prepare this smoothie and what benefits it offers you.

How to lose weight and gain muscle mass?

Workout after an energizing avocado smoothie

If you are aiming to burn fat and build muscle at the same time, you will need to focus on your diet and exercise alike.

First of all, you need to adopt a diet rich in vegetables and high quality protein. Don’t forget about healthy fats either. They do not fatten, but accelerate metabolism and stimulate calorie burning.

Second, you should regularly exercise on medium-intensity exercise, two or three times a week, alternating or combining strength training with cardiovascular exercise.

If you take these recommendations into account, you will be able to reach your double goal. Take care of your health, maintain a good tone and a positive mood.


In recent decades, diets have been based on a low fat and calorie content. But in recent years, people have begun to understand the beneficial role of fats. They do not fatten, but activate your metabolism, stimulating energy consumption.

However, it is important to know that the positive effects are offered only by natural, unprocessed fats, such as extra virgin coconut oil, nuts, seeds and avocado.

Avocado is high in vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. The latter help you tone your muscles without harming your body.

The benefits of green smoothies

To lose weight and gain muscle mass in a healthy way, you need to increase your intake of:

  • Vegetables with green leaves: celery, arugula, watercress, spinach, lettuce, beet leaves, etc.
  • High quality protein
  • Healthy fats

All this is found in green smoothies, which have gained great popularity. These drinks can be a simple breakfast, a simple, healthy and nutritious snack, because you can add various natural ingredients, keeping the same wonderful taste.

Avocado smoothie

Smoothie with avocado and honey


  • 1 ripe avocado, medium size
  • A handful of green leafy vegetables
  • 1 fruit (ripe banana, pear, apple or pineapple)
  • 1 cup water or vegetable milk (rice, oats, spelled wheat or almonds) (200 ml)

You can sweeten the smoothie with a little stevia, honey or brown sugar.

In addition, you can add avocado and other healthy and nutritious ingredients to this smoothie to lose weight and build muscle, such as:

  • Chia seeds
  • Prunes
  • Maca powder
  • Hemp protein
  • Pea protein
  • Extra virgin coconut oil

Method of preparation

  • Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.
  • Process the ingredients well for a minute or two, until you get a fine mixture without lumps.
  • The smoothie obtained will have a dense and creamy texture. If you want to drink it easier, you can add a little liquid.
  • Although smoothies give the drink a natural sweetness, you can add another sweetener, but not refined sugar.

When is it recommended to drink an avocado smoothie?

Smoothie with avocado and natural ingredients

Drink this smoothie every day for a month to really enjoy its benefits. Choose any of the following times of the day:

  • In the morning for breakfast, without eating anything else. If you are still hungry, eat something hearty at least 30 minutes after serving the smoothie.
  • As a snack. This avocado smoothie is a great option for people who get hungry before dinner. Being a very filling drink, you will not be hungry when you sit down to eat.
  • At least an hour before a workout. The smoothie will give you the energy you need and is also easy to digest, so you won’t run into any problems.
  • Immediately after a workout,  in no more than half an hour. This is the ideal time to increase muscle mass.

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