Daily Garlic Consumption: Benefits

To enjoy all the benefits of garlic, if you intend to cook it, chop it beforehand and let it sit for a while. In this way you allow the release of allicin, preventing its loss during thermal preparation. 
Daily garlic consumption: benefits

Daily consumption of garlic keeps the doctor away. This statement is very true. Many researchers have discovered and continue to reveal the incredible benefits of this food.

Used for centuries by many civilizations (it was even recommended by Hippocrates, the father of medicine), garlic is undoubtedly extremely healthy. Recent studies have shown that consuming four cloves of garlic a day can prevent a wide range of ailments. 

Garlic: a superfood used since ancient times

Although they did not know all the details about its composition, the ancient Greeks used garlic for its medicinal properties.

Garlic is part of the Allium  family (like leeks and onions) and contains a compound called allicin, which improves overall health when eaten regularly. Allicin is also responsible for the specific smell of garlic.

In addition, garlic contains manganese, vitamins B6 and C, selenium and fiber. It has few calories, but a lot of protein.

Daily garlic consumption: benefits

Daily consumption of raw garlic

Eating only a few cloves of garlic a day can help you in many ways:

Prevents Alzheimer’s disease

This is also true for other degenerative diseases, such as dementia. This seemingly trivial food contains antioxidants that prevent the negative effects of free radicals. 

In addition, daily consumption of garlic protects you against problems caused by pH imbalances and increases the number of detoxifying enzymes that cleanse the blood.

Lowers cholesterol

Garlic is recommended for people who have high levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL), have certain heart diseases, or have had a heart attack in the past.

It helps prevent heart failure, strokes, heart attacks and high blood pressure.

Fight viruses

Daily consumption of garlic for viral infections

Daily consumption of garlic can quickly relieve colds and sore throats. The duration of most symptoms can be reduced by about 70%.

If you are vulnerable to temperature changes or get sick very often in the winter, do not hesitate to eat garlic regularly.

Stimulates detoxification

Heavy metals and other toxins that accumulate in the body due to poor nutrition or exposure to environmental contaminants can be eliminated by consuming sulfur in the composition of garlic!

A study of workers in a lead-acid battery factory showed that,  following the consumption of garlic, the amount of this heavy metal present in their body decreased by up to 20%. Thus, the people in question complained of less headaches and, implicitly, the number of absences from work was reduced.

Improves bone health

Daily consumption of garlic with a beneficial effect on bones

In the case of menopausal women, daily consumption of garlic offers another benefit: it reduces the difficulties caused by weakening bones.  This food affects the way the body metabolizes estrogen, which may explain this positive effect.

Improves physical performance

For centuries, garlic has been used to combat fatigue and increase physical performance. For example, athletes who competed in the ancient Greek Olympics ate garlic before a competition.

In addition, garlic also improves mental performance.

Other benefits of garlic

In addition to the benefits listed above, there are other reasons to eat garlic:

  • Thins the blood.
  • Prevents gastric, esophageal and colon cancer.
  • Improves joint health (for example, in people with arthritis).
  • Clean your lungs.
  • Helps prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases.
  • Optimizes liver function.
  • Fights constipation.
  • Eliminates intestinal parasites.
  • Regulates blood sugar.
  • Helps treat herpes and eczema.
  • Reduces anxiety and calms nerves.
  • Reduces uric acid levels, which can cause gout or rheumatism.
  • Helps treat varicose veins.

Raw or cooked garlic?

Daily consumption of natural garlic

Some studies show that in order to reap the full benefits of garlic, it must be eaten raw. Others argue that garlic must be cooked in a certain way so that its nutrients are assimilated much more easily.

Garlic contains a lot of compounds. Some of them are active in the raw state, and others need heat to be “activated”. For example, when eating garlic to prevent cancer, it is recommended to prepare it thermally.

A useful technique to prevent the loss of garlic cloves if you intend to cook it is to cut it into small pieces and then let it sit for 45 minutes. In this way you activate the allicin in its composition and avoid its destruction during thermal preparation. You can enjoy the same benefits, whether you eat it raw or cook it.

Eat four cloves of garlic a day to become more attractive

According to a study conducted at the University of Stirling, Scotland, men who ate garlic were considered more attractive by women in the study. Why? It is a fact that has to do with the smell emanating through the skin.

To conduct this study, the researchers divided the participating men into three groups: the first group ate raw garlic, the second ate garlic capsules, and the third did not eat garlic at all.

After some exercise, the men were asked to wipe their sweat with a towel. The women in the group of volunteers indicated the level of attractiveness, masculinity and sympathy they perceived after sniffing the towels.

The results revealed that men who ate raw garlic had a pleasant, masculine and attractive smell. The combination of hormones and other compounds released during exercise can have a positive effect on intimate relationships.

The antimicrobial properties of garlic lead to the formation of a sweeter odor, as they reduce the number of microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor, especially during physical activity.

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