What Should You Eat When You Go To The Gym?

Food is the basic source of energy that the body uses to exercise. So, we will tell you how to choose the right food when you go to the gym.
What should you eat when you go to the gym?

If you go to the gym, you have already decided to lead a healthy lifestyle. Your diet is probably low in both trans fats and sugar. But often, when it comes to exercise, we don’t know what to eat. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you what to eat when you go to the gym.

If you are an active person, the right diet can help you increase your performance, define your muscles or lose weight. In addition, the secret is to eat enough nutrients, antioxidants and calories to not get tired when you exercise.

What should you eat when you go to the gym?

It is one of the most common questions we all have when practicing a certain type of physical activity. Since food is the basic energy that the body will use to perform exercises, we will analyze below which are the most suitable.

Prepared caries you eat when you go to the gym
Diet before sports should provide a good amount of nutrients and energy to support training.

Before any kind of fitness training or use of gym equipment, we must pay attention to what we eat and we must avoid binging.

Small amounts of food are perfect, but they should contain the vitamins needed to nourish our body: for example, you can choose nuts, which contain healthy fats according to recent studies. You can also eat oatmeal with milk, yogurt or a portion of fruit, such as a banana.

Another good option is a yogurt parfait, which contains yogurt, nuts and seeds (for example, chia seeds, which contain omega 3 and protein). When it comes to the right drink, you should hydrate yourself with water. It is good to drink about half a liter of water before you start training, but do not overdo it.

Before going to the gym, it is best to avoid foods high in trans fats or sugar. This reduces the risk of gastric discomfort that makes exercise difficult.

What should you eat after training?

Foods to eat when you go to the gym
After exercise, it is important to consume a high amount of protein as well as essential vitamins and minerals.

After you have finished training, you need to hydrate quickly and eat slowly. You can start with fruits and nuts and then prepare a complete meal that includes, for example, fish, rice salad, pasta with seeds and tomatoes, dairy products, meat, eggs, protein shakes, etc.

Protein is an essential nutrient to promote tissue recovery. According to research published in the journal Nutrients, these substances improve muscle adaptations to exercise.

In addition, it is important to eat healthy fats. Some of them, such as those in the Omega 3 range, have been shown to be effective in modulating inflammation typical of intense training sessions. At the same time, you need to restrict your intake of trans lipids. These nutrients have the opposite effect, promoting inflammation.

Water is the best option against dehydration. Of course, there are also various isotonic drinks useful after training. They can help us replenish ourselves with minerals after intense physical activity, but it is important not to abuse them.

Common mistakes when it comes to eating and going to the gym

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