Lives In The Present, Not In The Past

Although it can be difficult to accept your past and move on, you need to take this step to have a bright future, full of opportunities.
Live in the present, not in the past

It probably seems hard to believe, but we’re not the same people we were yesterday. Our past, along with the joys and sorrows we have experienced, has taught us how to be wiser. Live in the present because you can’t change the past!

We have no way to change our past. It is impossible to change even a minor aspect of what has already happened to us. However, our past defines us.

Unfortunately, many of us are not able to accept our past. The wounds resulting from the mistakes made and the failures suffered are still open. As a result, these people fail to enjoy the present moment.

We must accept our past. At the same time, we must understand that by paying too much attention to the past, we will destroy our present. It is important to accept the mistakes we have made and the fact that certain people have come out of our lives forever.

But then the past must be put aside. To be happy and fulfill all your dreams, live in the present, not in the past. In today’s article, we invite you to reflect a little on this topic.

Live in the present, because the past cannot offer you anything new

At some point, the past will try to haunt us. Some people may ask us to be the one we were yesterday again. But the truth is that we have changed, we have become a new version of ourselves and we have no reason to regress.

Don’t allow others to influence you. Live in the present and, every time the past knocks on the door, you understand that it has nothing new to offer you. Only the present allows you to be truly happy.

It’s time to move on

Living means being able to move forward and detach yourself from certain things and people. Various friends turn out to be fake, and some members of your family do not appreciate you as you deserve.

In order to move forward, you had to leave many people and things behind. These sacrifices were worth it because, on your way, you met new opportunities and became much happier than you were before.

  • Live in the present and start over. Get rid of everything in your life that keeps you from growing. It is not easy to do this, but it is important to give up hatred and frustration.
  • To overcome your past, you must free yourself from the burdens. Of these, the hardest is certainly the hatred that makes us prisoners of those who have hurt us, who have never loved us.
  • Head for a future free of resentments, of negative emotions that erode your opportunities to be happy.
Live in the present to be happy

Live in the present, but don’t forget to accept your past

You are a complete person. Every experience in your past and present defines you. You have to love him, understand him and respect your current self.

  • Gestalt therapy, an interesting psychological approach, argues that we need to be aware of our current circumstances. At the same time, it is important to integrate both the present and the past into our lives.
  • A person who focuses exclusively on his past and longs for it will forget the present. Basically, she will disconnect from reality and her real needs.
  • Although it may seem surprising, this behavior can even make us sick. Depression often has its origins in a sickening fixation on the past. This weakness prevents us from living in the present.

Love yourself as you are and accept the mistakes you have made in the past. Thanks to them, you have managed to grow and become who you are now.

When you focus too much on the past, you miss thousands of opportunities

In the past, I have certainly lost a lot. The only way to make up for these losses is to live in the present and create new opportunities. To do that, we need a lot of wisdom and courage. To this end, an ancient Japanese technique of repairing porcelain vessels gives us a valuable clue.

Live in the present if you want your emotional wounds to heal
  • In Japanese culture, when a porcelain object breaks, it will never be able to be as it was originally. The past no longer exists, but it still defines the current situation.
  • The most important thing is that the new situation is an opportunity to get a stronger and more beautiful object.
  • The fragments of that vessel can be glued using a technique called Kintsugi. This technique involves the use of a special glue, which allows the cracks to be decorated with gold or silver.
  • Each crack is covered with lacquer combined with gold or silver in powder form. In the end, you get a much more beautiful vessel than the initial one, whose “scars” tell a story.
  • We can adopt a similar philosophy in terms of our lives. Instead of avoiding or lamenting our past, we must be courageous and integrate it into our present.

So, don’t hide your emotional scars, but beautify them! You’re not the same person you were yesterday. You are braver, more capable and more respected. Live in the present, move forward and don’t be afraid to look for new opportunities!

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