6 Habits To Avoid On An Empty Stomach

Even if it seems to you that the morning, on an empty stomach, is the best time to practice certain activities, certain habits must be avoided on an empty stomach if you want to protect your health. 
6 habits to avoid on an empty stomach

We often adopt habits that are inappropriate for certain parts of the day. In many cases, it is in the morning. In the following we present some habits to avoid on an empty stomach. Remember and try to avoid them.

1. Administration of anti-inflammatory drugs

Some medications are not recommended on an empty stomach, and anti-inflammatory drugs are included in this category. We are talking here about paracetamol, aspirin and other drugs with the same characteristics.

  • Taken on an empty stomach, anti-inflammatory drugs lose their effectiveness and can cause serious health problems, such as stomach bleeding.
  • Milk reduces the negative effects of these drugs, so you can take them with this liquid. Another option would be water.

2. Habits to avoid on an empty stomach: drinking coffee

Consumption of coffee on the list of habits to avoid on an empty stomach

Do you usually drink a cup of coffee when you wake up? Well, drinking coffee is on the list of habits to avoid on an empty stomach. Even decaffeinated, this drink stimulates the production of gastric acid. Thus, consumed on an empty stomach, coffee can cause heartburn and other digestive problems.

In addition, if you drink coffee on an empty stomach and do not eat breakfast afterwards, you can create a deficiency of serotonin, which causes you to have a bad mood throughout the day.

  • If you can’t give up the habit of drinking coffee when you wake up, try adding milk or cream to it. Due to the fats in their composition, these foods reduce the negative effects of coffee on an empty stomach.
  • At the same time, it is important to consume natural coffee, not instant coffee (ness).

3. Alcohol consumption

Alcohol can be a stomach bomb if you haven’t eaten anything. Alcohol is absorbed twice as fast on an empty stomach, as if you were having an intravenous injection of this substance.

In addition, if consumed on an empty stomach, alcohol is much harder to remove from the body, causing a more severe hangover. At the same time, your liver, heart and kidneys are affected.

If for one reason or another you have to drink something on an empty stomach, opt for non-carbonated drinks, which are served cold and absorbed more slowly in the body.

4. Chewing gum

Habits to avoid on an empty stomach such as chewing gum

Chewing gum is not beneficial for the stomach because it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. If you have not eaten anything, it irritates your gastric mucosa, which can lead to the development of gastritis.

If you want to chew gum, opt for assortments that contain natural sweeteners, such as xylitol and sorbitol, instead of sugar, cyclamate and aspartame.

In any case, it is not recommended to chew gum for more than 10 minutes, even if you have eaten.

5. Physical exercises

When we talk about habits to avoid on an empty stomach, we must also mention intense exercise. These lead to a marked loss of muscle mass.

In addition, you train in an inactive way because if you have not eaten, your body has no energy. Instead of intense exercise, try aerobics on an empty stomach. 

If you have digestive problems, it is recommended to eat before doing any type of sport, because physical activity stimulates the production of gastric acid, which affects the stomach.

6. Food shopping

Habits to avoid on an empty stomach such as grocery shopping

If you go to the store when you are hungry, you end up buying more products than you should. That is why it is not recommended to go shopping on an empty stomach. 

It turned out that the feeling of hunger makes us buy more food than we need. To avoid falling into this trap, it is advisable to eat before going to the store, but also to make a shopping list. This way, you will buy exactly what you need and you will save money.

At the same time, it is a good idea to pay with cash, not with the card. In this way, you have a more truthful perception of the expenses made, as opposed to the moments when you use the card.

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