The Link Between Headache And Liver

Reducing the level of stress and anxiety can improve your health – both your liver and your mental state. 
The connection between headache and liver

Headache can have various causes: migraines, tension, but also the accumulation of toxins in the liver or diseases of this organ.

In today’s article, we will talk about the connection between headache and liver,  with the hope that you will be able to take more care of your health.

What is the connection between headache and liver pain?

The headache can be very intense

When our liver is healthy, we enjoy an optimal general state of health and do not think about this organ at all. But, it can happen that at some point we face digestive problems, fatigue, headaches and other symptoms. These discomforts indicate an irregularity in the liver, more or less severe, but which should not be ignored. 

Wondering how a headache can be associated with a liver disease? We are talking about a pain that appears and disappears at certain intervals, being more intense in the area of ​​the temples or neck.

Some people attribute it to the tension accumulated in the body, but if its real cause is a liver disease, it will be accompanied by other symptoms, such as: abdominal pain, feeling full, discomfort, bitter taste in the mouth, the presence a yellowish or white layer on the tongue, nausea.

Doctors also add insomnia to this list , as well as difficulty waking up in the morning. Women may also experience severe symptoms of PMS.

The headache usually manifests itself when we have a sick or intoxicated liver, no longer being able to function properly and transmit the necessary energy to the brain and limbs. As a result, there is a feeling of pain and fatigue.

How can you take better care of your liver to get rid of headaches?

The movement relieves the headache

1. Nutrition guidelines

  • Do not eat large amounts of food at once. It is not bad to eat until you feel full, but only by serving several meals throughout the day. You should never skip breakfast, as it is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism.
  • Try to reduce the consumption of fats, fried foods, processed sugars, alcohol, salt and dairy products.
  • Increase daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is best to cook the vegetables by boiling, in order to preserve the nutrients in their composition.
  • The best vegetables are those that have an “invigorating” effect on the body, such as green leafy vegetables, bitter in taste. Why? Because they have anti-inflammatory properties that help improve liver function. One of the best foods in this category is artichokes.
  • Some plants can be very helpful: ginger, ginger, dandelion and green tea. They have detoxifying properties that stimulate drainage and help the liver function properly.

2. Guidelines on the behavioral and emotional side

As you already know, daily habits directly affect the health of the liver. It is recommended to exercise for at least half an hour daily or to run for 15 minutes – no matter the activity chosen, it is important to speed up your heart rate.

In addition, it is advisable to take care of your mental health. Try to reduce stress and anxiety and never lose sight of your priorities: health, happiness and the joys of everyday life.

Always set aside a few hours just for yourself, where you can enjoy the simple things that brighten your life, whether it’s just spending some time alone or going out for coffee with friends (don’t forget that coffee too is beneficial for the liver).

Surround yourself with people who love you, respect you and want the best for you. If you feel that you should keep certain people away, do not hesitate to get rid of their negative presence before your health suffers!

All these little things that you do not take into account can contribute to liver disease and the creation of imbalances in the body.

Example of a diet that helps prevent headaches associated with liver disorders

Artichoke protects the liver and prevents headaches

Below we offer you a simple example of a diet that you can adopt on any day you want. These foods will help you take better care of your liver, to avoid the headache that can cause its malfunction.

1. Breakfast

  • A glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon
  • A slice of whole wheat bread with sugar-free blueberry jam
  • Half an apple and a few nuts

2. Snack between meals

  • An apple or a pear
  • Or a cup of green tea with wholemeal toast and a few drops of olive oil

3. Lunch

  • Grilled vegetables ( broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc.)
  • Grilled white fish
  • A bowl of papaya slices

4. Snack

  • A glass of water and a portion of oatmeal and strawberries

5. Dinner

  • Boiled artichoke sprinkled with olive oil and vinegar
  • Brown rice cooked with olive oil, a pinch of salt and a bay leaf
  • A kiwi
  • Remember that salads are not recommended for dinner, because raw vegetables are difficult to digest, so better add them to the lunch menu.

6. An hour before bedtime

  • Drink mint tea, thyme or lemon balm. You will rest much better.

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