Gelatin Hair Treatment

If you apply this treatment once a week, the proteins in the gelatin will strengthen the health of the hair by nourishing it and restoring the strength, shine and volume lost over time. 
Gelatin hair treatment

If you have wavy or curly hair, you can get shiny and well-defined curls with the help of a gelatin treatment, very easy to prepare.

In today’s article we explain how a small amount of gelatin can give you beautiful hair, without having to resort to other commercial products that can damage the hair ornament.

Women with curly or wavy hair know how important it is to get rid of rebellious hair and “soften” their messy curls.

Curly hair is usually drier, requiring the use of products such as gel, wax, foam or hairspray to keep it under control, especially in humid conditions.

But there is a product that helps you arrange curly hair in a simple, cheap and natural way: gelatin.

What is this gelatin treatment?

Gelatin makes your hair shiny

Gelatin keeps your hair healthy effectively if you mix it with your regular conditioner. 

If you have a 300 ml bottle of conditioner, the quantities are as follows:

  • 1 tablespoon gelatin (20 g)
  • 5 tablespoons water at room temperature (75 g)

Method of preparation

  • Put the water and gelatin in a saucepan and stir until it dissolves.
  • Heat the mixture for one minute.
  • Allow to cool and add to the conditioner bottle.

Gelatin mask

Gelatin and aloe vera are beneficial for the hair

You can prepare a gelatin-based hair mask for brittle hair that breaks easily.

This recipe also contains aloe vera.


  • 1 tablespoon gelatin (20 g)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel

Method of preparation

  • Dissolve the gelatin in water, as in the previous recipe, then add the aloe gel.
  • Keep the mixture in the refrigerator and apply it on wet hair for 10 minutes, once a week.

Gelatin Treatment – Why Is It Beneficial For Hair?

Gelatin is rich in proteins that penetrate deep into the hair and give it density, volume and shine. 

For optimal benefits, use this gelatin treatment at least twice a week.

You should also avoid excessive use of the hair dryer and curler, as they dry and damage the hair.

Other tips

Gelatin is an excellent option for hair care, but you must also take into account the following tips:

  • Protect your hair from the sun at peak times of the day, especially if you are at the beach or at high altitudes.
  • Opt for shampoo and natural hair care products that do not contain paraffin.
  • Do not wash your head with hot water – opt for warm water, and at the end always rinse with cold water.
  • Comb your hair with a large-toothed comb and use gentle movements to prevent breakage of the strands.
  • Allow the hair to dry naturally or use the cool air of the hair dryer.

Strengthens the hair inside

In order to have beautiful hair, it is important to remember that the food you eat also nourishes your scalp. If you have curly and dry hair, you may suffer from a nutritional deficiency. Here’s what you can add to your diet to solve this problem:


Gelatin and brewer's yeast nourish the hair

Brewer’s yeast is an excellent supplement for skin, hair and nails, as it helps eliminate toxins from the scalp, fights hair loss and improves its texture.

Wheat germ

This supplement is extremely nutritious and can be consumed in the morning, along with brewer’s yeast, with a little juice.

Linseed oil

This oil is rich in essential fatty acids that fight dry hair and skin. It is recommended to consume cold pressed flaxseed oil, raw, without cooking it.

Oily fruits

Gelatin and nuts nourish the hair

Oily fruits are very nutritious and contain healthy fats. Eat a handful of nuts, hazelnuts or other such fruits every day, ripe and unsalted.


This fruit is an excellent source of vegetable protein, but also contains vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and fiber. Try to eat half an avocado every day.

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