9 Hand Health Problems

The condition and appearance of the hands give us some details about the health of the body and help us get an early diagnosis in many diseases. 
9 health problems indicated by the hands

The hands provide more information about us than we might think, including the state of our body. Read on to discover 9 hand-indicated health issues!

Health problems indicated by the hands: worrying signs

1. Pain in the thumb and forefinger

If you feel pain, numbness and tingling in your thumb and forefinger, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition causes swelling in the wrist, which puts pressure on the nerves, causing unpleasant sensations.

Carpal tunnel syndrome generally affects people who perform mechanical activities with their hands (they work a lot on the computer or play an instrument).

2. Wounds that are difficult to heal

Health problems indicated by the hands that require a medical consultation

Slow healing of wounds can indicate a health problem. If you have bruises or cuts on your hands that do not heal, you may have diabetes. 

If you also have symptoms such as hunger, thirst or numbness and tingling in your hands and feet, go to the doctor as soon as possible. These are obvious signs of hyperglycemia.

3. Changing the color of the fingers

Changing the color of your fingers can have several causes. The most harmless are exposure to low temperatures, stress or carrying heavy weights over a long period of time.

If the change in the color of the fingers is accompanied by itching, pain, tingling or numbness, it is advisable to go to the doctor. These can be symptoms caused by diseases of the spine, blood vessel problems or skin conditions.

4. Excessive sweating

Health problems indicated by hands that sweat excessively

Palmar hyperhidrosis is also on the list of health problems indicated by the hands. The fact that your palms are sweating is not uncommon, but if sweating is excessive and does not depend on external factors, you may face a problem that requires medical investigation.

5. Fragile nails

Nails can break easily due to constant contact with water, detergents and other chemicals, but also due to poor care.

Unfortunately, in some cases, things are not so simple, as fragile nails can be a symptom of a thyroid condition. 

  • If other unusual manifestations are present, such as weakness, fatigue, and joint pain, see a doctor.

6. Cold hands

Health problems indicated by cold hands and feet

If you always have cold hands and your skin has changed color, it is advisable to go to a doctor. These symptoms are generally associated with circulatory problems or nervous disorders.

7. Tremors of the fingers

If we talk about health problems indicated by the hands, we can not omit an important symptom: trembling fingers. They can be caused by excessive tension or carrying a heavy weight.

However, if the tremors do not go away and do not seem to have any justification, you may have a deficiency of vitamin B1, B6, B12 and E. 

8. Swelling

Health problems indicated by swollen hands

Swelling should also be considered when it comes to hand-indicated health issues. This symptom can be caused by high outside temperatures or excessive salt consumption.

However, if you frequently face this problem, it is good to go to the doctor. Prolonged swelling of the hands may indicate vascular disease. 

9. Changing the color of the nails

If your nails have changed color, you may have low hemoglobin or anemia. In both cases, the nails take on a bluish tinge. Other symptoms are some clumsiness when using your hands, unpleasant sensations and slight tingling in your fingers.

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