8 Tips To Improve Independent Thinking

Expressing and defending personal ideas in front of others is not always easy. If this is the case, don’t worry! We offer you 8 secrets to develop your ability to think independently. Don’t miss them!
8 tips to improve independent thinking

You probably know a lot of people who always agree with other people’s ideas. Others tend to express a different position and an innovative point of view. What group do you identify with? If it’s the last one, congratulations! You have independent thinking.

Leaving the “matrix” of collective thoughts is a clear sign of autonomy and security. Undoubtedly, some are born with this gift. Whether they are students, professionals or workers, they have won the lottery of life, because their ability sets them apart from the rest, encourages their free expression, gives them credibility and turns them into valuable people for the team.

Those who do not have this highly developed capacity have the opportunity to improve it. Want to know how?

What is independent thinking?

Young people with the ability to think independently

It refers to the quality that a person has to process the ideas, beliefs or patterns of society and to assume his own position. In this way, instead of copying what others think or being influenced, the person with independent thinking has his own position depending on his education, experiences and ideals.

Independent thinking is a clear example of a well-defined, critical and free personality. Undoubtedly, those who have it are inherently nonconformist.

For many, this ability is a double-edged sword, because defending a single or minority approach can involve weakness in the middle of a debate. However, independent thinkers are not afraid to support their position.

Due to independent thinking, they grow:

  • Productivity
  • Performance
  • Efficiency
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-awareness
  • Demand level
  • Personal skills

8 tips for independent thinking

Although the human brain is designed to recycle external information, it can be reprogrammed to develop independent thinking.

1. Recognize strengths and weaknesses

Self-knowledge is essential in the formation of independent thinking. It should be noted that the perception that each individual has of himself works as a limitation or an impulse when it comes to doing anything in life. Recognizing and accepting yourself as you are will allow you to improve. Otherwise, personal evolution will be slow and frustrating.

For example, if you consider yourself shy, you know that little by little, you will find strategies to increase your participation in interpersonal relationships. You will feel more confident and get rid of nervousness or embarrassment.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that the environment does not define us. Those around you may express an opinion about you, compliment you or criticize you, but this does not replace self-esteem, which is strengthened by the belief that your skills are excellent.

2. Explore!

It is essential to feed on books, documentaries, workshops, courses, campaigns, trips, culture and people.

Analyze things that don’t fit what you think. For example, if you are very religious, try reading a book about atheism. It is also helpful to go for a walk and talk to someone who is older or has a different religion; you will not lose anything.

On the contrary, it will help you broaden your view of the world and, why not, of yourself. Diversity is one of the benefits of life.

3. Give up limiting beliefs

From childhood, parents, grandparents and other important figures instill in us what is good and bad. But is this the full truth? Well, not really. Like many, we grow up with limiting beliefs that determine much of what happens to us.

Give up what binds you, slows you down, keeps you in place… Choose freedom of thought.

4. Learn to listen

Women with the ability to think independently

The opinion of third parties is decisive for some and insignificant for others. The virtue of an independent thinker is to be a good listener. It is about respecting everyone’s thoughts, not about changing one’s own person.

5. Ask questions

Two of the most serious defects of the human being are stubbornness and intransigence. Independent thinking has nothing to do with lack of reflection, nor does it force you to stay in the same position forever without the right to change your mind.

Recognize if you are wrong and move on. You will become better, braver, more humble, wiser, with a more open mind…

6. Go beyond problems

Obstacles become perfect challenges to change the way we think. Consequently, when you face a difficulty, you work on different solutions. Give up predictable things. This technique will help you navigate an unknown scenario and get a good result.

In addition, you will look at the situation from a different perspective.

7. Combine ideas that seem incompatible

Who said you can’t try something new? The truth is that creativity is a great ally of independent thinkers. Always think and do not reject ideas that do not seem to fit.

From “incompatible” concepts, great discoveries, projects, researches appear… Often, they will end in nonsense, but, from time to time, they will become a unique success. You will create something unique and innovative!

8. Insist on independent thinking

Perseverance is on the VIP list of human values. The reason is very simple: it encourages you to achieve your goals and enjoy them much more. There is no point in giving up the first or second attempt. Give time to the process… Changing thought patterns is not a task that can be completed overnight.

Prepare to develop intellectually

Finally, independent thinking opens the door to success in life: at school, at work, in relationships with your partner, friends and family… Thus, you can express yourself, generate creative products and get practical solutions to any inconvenience. This way of thinking is related to fidelity and personal authenticity. Be yourself in any situation!

The family and the school, especially in the first years of life, play a fundamental role in shaping this type of positive thinking. With less repression and more freedoms, parents and teachers are able to form autonomous people from any point of view: intellectual, moral, emotional…

The journey will not be easy because it involves commitment, but it will not be very difficult either. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “There is nothing more permanent than change.” Dare to turn your thinking into an independent, free one!

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