8 Healthy Plants That Help To Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight, these plants are great dietary supplements because they speed up metabolism and prevent water retention, stimulating weight loss. 
8 healthy plants that help to lose weight

To get rid of extra pounds in a healthy way, you need to take into account certain aspects. Among other things, don’t forget that you have certain natural supplements at your disposal that make your “mission” easier. Even if it seems hard to believe, there are healthy plants that help to lose weight by accelerating metabolism and stimulating fat burning.

We do not present a miraculous way to lose weight. But we recommend that you use the ingredients below as allies in the weight loss process.

Consumed daily, certain herbs cleanse the body, quench hunger and stimulate calorie burning. They are easy to buy and help prevent and treat many diseases that threaten your health.

In the following we present you 8 healthy plants that help to lose weight and that are worth trying.

1. Juniper, on the list of healthy plants that help to lose weight

 Juniper on the list of healthy plants that help to lose weight

Juniper has detoxifying properties and contains antioxidants that help eliminate toxins from the body without affecting metabolic activity.

The anti-inflammatory components of juniper help regulate digestion, accelerating intestinal transit.

  • Make tea from this plant and drink two cups a day.

2. The ponytail

Rich in vitamins, minerals and diuretic components, horsetail can not be missing from the list of healthy plants that help to lose weight. It helps fight water retention and eliminate toxins from the body, two problems that can cause inflammation and slow metabolism.

  • Drink horsetail tea 2-3 times a day.
  • If desired, add a little lemon juice and honey.

3. Verbena

Verbina on the list of healthy plants that help to lose weight

Verbina is a natural detoxifier. Therefore, this plant is the ideal choice for removing waste from the body.

In addition, verbena has digestive properties that stimulate peristalsis and relieve bloating. 

  • Make tea from this plant and drink two cups a day.

4. Rosemary

Rosemary is a well-known plant, its popularity being due to its many culinary, cosmetic and medicinal uses.

For a long time, rosemary is recognized and used as an ally in the process of slimming. This plant removes waste from the body and optimizes the digestive process.

  • You can use rosemary as a spice in food or you can make tea.
  • If you choose the second option, drink up to two cups a day.

5. Artichokes

Healthy plants that help to lose weight such as artichokes

Artichoke has detoxifying and antioxidant properties, stimulating healthy weight loss. This vegetable is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.

In addition, artichoke facilitates digestion, prolongs the feeling of satiety and helps eliminate water retention. 

  • You can eat artichokes raw or add it to various dishes.
  • For weight loss, we recommend that you prepare artichoke water and drink 2-3 cups a day.

6. Birch

Birch lowers lipid levels, including cholesterol, also helping to reduce and break down fats. Its anti-inflammatory substances help the proper functioning of the lymphatic system, helping to eliminate toxic substances from the body.

At the same time, birch stimulates the production of bile, a substance essential for digesting fats.

  • Make a tea from dried birch leaves. Drink two cups a day.
  • You can also buy birch extract in liquid form to add to teas, fruit juices and water.

7. Green tea

Healthy herbs that help you lose weight like green tea

Undoubtedly, we can not talk about healthy plants that help to lose weight without mentioning green tea. It is rich in antioxidants, such as catechins. Thus, green tea stimulates the metabolism and lymphatic system, helping to eliminate waste and fats. 

You can frequently drink green tea to fight high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems caused by excess weight. This drink is also detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

  • Drink two cups of green tea a day.
  • If you want, you can also consume this plant in the form of tablets or extract. Be sure to follow the recommendations on the package leaflet.

8. Mint

Mint has digestive and anti-inflammatory properties that improve the processes in the body involved in weight loss. Even if this plant does not burn fat, you can add it to your diet to eliminate toxins and water retention.

  • Drink 2-3 cups of mint tea a day.
  • Add mint to smoothies, juices or lemonade.

Are you struggling with extra pounds? If you do your best to reach your ideal weight, try these healthy plants that help you lose weight. But don’t forget that these remedies can’t work separately. It is important to adopt a balanced diet and exercise.

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