7 Signs That You Have An Unhappy Relationship

Communication with your partner is essential. If you feel like you can’t share your problems with him, then things aren’t going so well. 
7 signs that you have an unhappy relationship

The fact that you are in a relationship makes you feel fulfilled, motivated to face all the daily challenges. This is especially true when you manage to keep burning in the long run that “flame” of love and passion present in the first months relationship. But what do you do when you find yourself in an unhappy relationship?

Time is often our enemy . If you both end up falling into a routine, you may feel that your relationship no longer gives you the same satisfaction as it did in the beginning. That is why many couples break up, without understanding what went wrong in their relationship.

Continuing to have a relationship that does not make you happy is a mistake, and if you are not careful, this can prevent you from living your life to the fullest and having that love that will truly bring you fulfillment.

There are certain attitudes and feelings that become visible when love diminishes and you are no longer happy as a couple. It is important to recognize the signs that indicate an unhappy relationship – they show you when it is time to end the relationship or take steps to save it.

Signs that you have an unhappy relationship

1. You no longer have a physical and emotional connection

Woman who has an unhappy relationship

Don’t you communicate like before? Do you no longer feel a physical desire for your partner? Has the condition disappeared? All of these are indications that your relationship is in trouble.

Losing that physical and emotional connection, even in intimate moments, shows that you are no longer a happy couple.

2. Compare the present with the past

In a relationship, the first weeks or months are the most exciting and captivating, the passion being burning, and the exaltation of conquest extremely intense.

But you can’t fool yourself that the situation will always be the same. At some point, the relationship will become “comfortable”, the only escape being the conscious decision to change something.

The desire for your partner to be again and at the beginning can be an indication of an unhappy relationship now and your need to receive more attention from your loved one.

3. You ask your partner to change

Quarrels with the couple

When you fall into the trap of believing that a person will change their nature and become the way you want them to be, you are making a huge mistake that can destroy a relationship.

If you have fallen in love with a man as he is, why do you want to change him? In this case, you would probably both be happier if you found someone else.

4. In an unhappy relationship, there is no communication

Losing the desire to share with your partner what is happening to you is an obvious sign of unhappiness in a relationship, practically indicating the imminent end. Communication is essential for a happy and healthy relationship, and its absence can create many problems.

Isn’t it as easy for you to express your feelings? Do you spend a lot of time together, but barely talk to each other? Do you feel that your partner bores you? An affirmative answer to any of these questions is a clear indication that you have an unhappy relationship.

5. Everything you say and do annoys you

Young people in an unhappy relationship

It doesn’t matter if his intentions are good. Your partner and everything he does irritates and annoys you.

In this situation, the relationship could end in a disastrous way. If you disapprove so much of his way of being and acting, it’s time to take a step back and think hard about what you’re really looking for in a life partner.

6. Avoid each other

Your partner calls you, invites you to go to various places or looks for any excuse to be with you… but you are looking for any excuse to avoid it.

If you no longer want to spend time with him and prefer to get involved in other activities, spend more time with friends, watch TV or be alone, you are probably in an unhappy relationship.

7. Make no effort to improve the situation

If your relationship is going through a crisis and you are both unhappy, there are two options: end this chapter of your life or fight to rekindle love and rediscover all the beautiful things that have united you.

If you are not attracted to the idea of ​​making an effort to rectify the situation, it is a clear sign that the time has come to end the relationship.

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